Another player who was at the table during the incident sent me this meme after the problem player in question (they had a history) left the group chat.

Felt like sharing it here because I’m sure more people should keep this kind of thing in mind.

  • DroneRights [it/its]
    010 months ago

    Also, being double jointed is not considered a disability.

    Nobody thinks being double jointed is a disability. You misunderstood the point I was making. So I’ll make it in clearer terms:

    I can understand complex hypotheticals and you can’t. Does that make you disabled, because you can’t participate in this conversation as my equal? Or does the fact you’re not much worse at it than the average person make you normal, and therefore not disabled? Are we measuring disability against the average person, or against the most capable person in the room? Or the most capable person in the world, for that matter? Are you intellectually disabled by the fact that someone better at reasoning than you exists?

    I wanted to ask this question using Michael Phelps as an example instead of myself, but you didn’t understand, so it’s clear I need to make the situation more relatable for your benefit. That’s why I ask a more personal version of the question. Are you disabled because of my existence?

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      I think you have trouble understanding the difference between definitions for words or the context of general terms and your own personal experience.

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          You didn’t answer my question (“Where did I wrote that”) and your answer doesn’t make it clear to me if you even understood my point. So I am not sure why you think it’s me who isn’t having a conversation.

            • @[email protected]
              110 months ago

              Do you mean the question where you tried to paint me as dumber than you because I do not agree with your reasoning?

              Yeah, I won’t answer to your narcissistic ramblings because your premise is wrong. I have no trouble understanding your reasoning, I just think it’s wrong.

              What is and isn’t categorized as a disability isn’t subjectively decided randomly. It’s a decision based on our current real life situation. Not your head cannon.

              Autism is considered a disability because of the definition of what makes a disability I provided above. While you personally can say that you feel not disabled, a claim that “autism is not a disability because when people were different it wouldn’t matter” isn’t rational reasoning.

              • DroneRights [it/its]
                10 months ago

                No, I mean the question where I asked if you changed your mind because you directly contradicted yourself

                Also the reason you’re dumber than me is that you think I think being double jointed is a disability and you think I think I’m not disabled. You don’t understand what I’m talking about at all.

                • @[email protected]
                  110 months ago

                  I didn’t contradict myself, you didn’t understood what I was writing. Otherwise, please provide where I contradicted myself.

                  You tried to substantiate your claim that the question whether or not something is a disability depends on (social) context with mentioning that the “flaw” that Michael Phelps has supposedly aided him in being a better swimmer.

                  My point is that, for the definition whether or not something is categorized as a disability, it doesn’t matter whether it is not disabling in certain contexts for certain individuals. Or whether you can imagine a society where it’s not disabling.

                  “Intrinsic” and “non-intrinsic” disabilities, this differentiation does not make sense.

                  • DroneRights [it/its]
                    110 months ago

                    You tried to substantiate your claim that the question whether or not something is a disability depends on (social) context with mentioning that the “flaw” that Michael Phelps has supposedly aided him in being a better swimmer.

                    No I didn’t. You’ve got it all backwards. I didn’t say being double jointed is a flaw, I said being single jointed is a flaw. You didn’t understand the hypothetical. You’re so used to hearing people say deviations are disabilities, your brain filtered it out when I proposed that being normal is a disability. That’s why I think you’re worse than me at understanding hypotheticals. But the conclusion that being normal is a disability is precisely what your definition leads to. Which is why I think you don’t agree with your own definition.