First of all, I’m not a mod, just a curious user. I was told the rules exist because it was a rule of the original reddit and the community demands it. For me personally, it feels like I’m told how to have fun, so I’m very curious if you like/dislike this rule or if you’re indifferent.

  • First Majestic CometM
    37 months ago

    I don’t mind it but I wish people would add the content warnings, i.e. Egg_irl [CW: Assumes the viewer is Transfem] maybe also make CW posts NSFW, since they can be sensitive in nature.

    • @Fal
      17 months ago

      Trigger warnings don’t help anything and can even be worse for people. Having to add warnings like that, especially about incredibly tame things like “assumes viewer is transfem” is just absurd

      • First Majestic CometM
        7 months ago

        I disagree, If a person doesn’t want to see something with violence, transphobia, or disturbing imagery a Warning is good, because they can just not click on it (if you click it anyway that’s on you).

        Regarding assuming the user’s gender (talking about gender as a whole) , It might seem tame or absurd to someone who isn’t trans, or to a trans person who doesn’t understand the existence of other identities outside their own (very common on but they can cause dysphoria for many folks especially when blindsided by them, which they can avoid if they know before clicking on them.