• 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    7 months ago

    My first run isn’t really good or evil; it’s “how would I handle this if I was actually in this situation?”

    A good RPG will feel natural the whole way through and never make you feel like you had to pick an option you didn’t exactly want but was “close enough” to what you wanted. It is kind of weird, tho, how a couple older games (ahem Fallout 2 is one ahem) let you use this logic to actually break the game and end up with outcomes that are technically bugs; despite the fact that the logic used to end up there is completely sound and should have probably been accounted for in the writing.

    But the second time I’m a prick. It’s fun being evil. Or extremely stupid. Like a sub 3 int FO character annoying the shit out of Rocket Man Renesco. :3