• Spaz
    287 months ago

    Yeah… With the trash reviews on steam, I was holding out on buying it but will probably just pass on it cause sounds interesting but looks boring. I give it 3-5 years tops before it’s no longer played.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      It’s polarizing, a lot like many Bethesda games. My unpopular take is that I’ve been having an absolute blast with it and am on my third playthrough. It’s the only game I’ve played for months and the only one I find myself wanting to play.

      For me, what I love is that it’s Skyrim in Space in so many ways. It’s what I hoped/wanted for gameplay when I bought Outer Worlds. And Outer Worlds really disappointed me there.

      Is it balanced? Hell, no. Personal and ship weapons are as much of a mess as I always felt weapons in Fallout 4’s were. I have this badass heavy weapon that I have to fire on full auto for 30 seconds to kill a random enemy… Or I fire one shot from this other weapon. RPGs love to make automatic weapons do shit damage to keep them feeling balanced, and ultimately they often end up being a waste.

      Ditto with the build system. The ship builder makes you dream of a badass build experience, but does admittedly fall short. But nobody else gives me that feeling the way Starfield does, so I find myself letting Good be enough for me when Perfect isn’t available.

      Again, I’m sure plenty of people are bored and hate it, but I consistently feel like Bethesda gave me exactly the game they promised me. And as much as I want more, it’s still my favorite and most played game of 2023 by now.

    • @[email protected]
      117 months ago

      Don’t bother till it’s on sale, by then the creation kit will have dropped and modders will be able to do Bethesda’s job for them for free.

          • Psaldorn
            27 months ago

            It’s on gamepass too, I have game pass but haven’t played it. Watched a few streams, that was enough

            • @[email protected]
              37 months ago

              Definitely worth playing it if you can play it “for free”.

              I’ve had nothing but fun from it. Yes, I’d probably have been willing to pay $60 for it, but IMO it’s more fun played than watched.

    • lemmyvore
      107 months ago

      You’re gonna play it eventually because modders will do some really cool things with it.

      In this respect it will be exactly like Skyrim. I held off it initially because the original release was ridiculous compared to Oblivion and Morrowind, but then the mod scene for it exploded and you could have your pick of changing anything that bugged you about the game.