Pretty much everyone call you ‘they/them’. Hell, in Fo4, if you play as a woman, raiders will call you a bitch. In Starfield, I’m not even sure there are lines that change based on gender.

It feels like the genitalia options in CP77, whuptdy do, you can have a big dick. Changes nothing.

Same vibes in Starfield.

  • @djsoren19
    67 months ago

    Pronouns actually mattered more in CP2077, certain characters won’t be romanceable depending on how your character identifies, and it can change the tone of some of their quests depending on if the character wants to bang you or not.

    No modern AAA RPG is going to have really negative consequences for picking your race or gender anymore though, the topics have been deemed to sensitive for games to talk about.

    • DarkThoughts
      47 months ago

      I’m personally not a huge fan of restricted romance options. It’s a game and they’re literal NPCs, just let me woo whoever I want to. I could understand it maybe if there’s like a literal story related context to it, but in CP2077 there definitely wasn’t a reason why a male or female character couldn’t have romanced the other options. And in this case I find it even weirder since gender shouldn’t even matter that much anymore anyway when you can just swap out and change all of your body parts. I think in that regard the character creation & NPCs weren’t even freaky enough. Hell, there were in game adverts promoting very unusual body parts for sexual purposes too and all we get is some generic transgender chargen with its original genitalia. Honestly kinda lame.

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        Lmao. No, that selection is literally a joke. It doesn’t even affect the actual game difficulty it claims it does.

    • ThrowawayOP
      -17 months ago

      I meant more about the lines, the dialogue. Theres very little dialogue that uses your chosen pronouns.