• @[email protected]
    -138 months ago

    Without funding from the NRA those programs and facilities likely would not exist. I read this article for exactly what it is, a hit piece by anti 2A advocates to keep knowledge of firearms that does not fit their narrative from the public.

    Even if the classes provide a public service and help save lives it doesn’t fit the “guns are bad Mckaaay” narrative they want to push.

    • ZeroCoolOP
      8 months ago

      Without funding from the NRA those programs and facilities likely would not exist. I read this article for exactly what it is, a hit piece by anti 2A advocates to keep knowledge of firearms that does not fit their narrative from the public.

      If you’re so concerned about youth programs to teach children “firearm safety” maybe you should be paying for those classes and facilities to exist instead of the NRA. Did you even entertain that possibility for a moment? Don’t answer that, it’s a rhetorical question. We both know you didn’t and you wouldn’t.

      • @[email protected]
        -48 months ago

        The NRA is a organization that is funded by donations. I have no problem with them using those donations to promote safety and marksmanship.

        I personally can’t fund the facilities that these activities take place in. Just like you most likely couldn’t fund a gymnasium or skate park. There are non profits who help provide funding for all these activities, 2A organizations are no different.

        • @[email protected]
          38 months ago

          Gymnasiums and skate parks don’t package and market fear and teach children to use deadly weapons, so yeah they’re a little different

          • @[email protected]
            -18 months ago

            Obviously you’ve never attended a firearms safely course or marksmanship course. I’ve attended sessions with all of my children.

            They never market fear and always seek to instill safety and marksmanship.

            You can wring your hands, fear monger and try to build a false narrative all you want. But you are just like the right wing religious nut jobs who attack sex education. Like them you’re just hurting society by trying to keep people ignorant.

            just like relig

            • @[email protected]
              28 months ago

              The NRA markets fear. It’s their sole purpose for existing. I don’t think they should be involved in firearms training whatsoever.

              • @[email protected]
                08 months ago

                As I stated in my original post there are a lot of things you can attack the NRA for. Firearm education and safety training is not one of them.