I’m not just talking cruelty in terms of their goals, but also how they went about achieving their goals

    • @[email protected]
      58 months ago

      I was gonna say that alien from TNG who wiped out an entire civilization because they killed his wife.

      • @[email protected]
        88 months ago

        This is a very interesting thought: the Dowdy alien you mention has wiped out an entire race of 50 billion beings, but is aware of his crime and lives in self exile. He’s committed an atrocious crime in a rage fit.

        On the other hand, the changelings committed a planned crime with intent to cause suffering.

        I’m not sure who’s worse: the Dowd by magnitude of the crime, but the Changelings ruthlessly command their Dominion.

      • Xariphon
        28 months ago

        Or the guy from Voyager who erased multiple species from ever having existed in a misguided attempt to resurrect his family.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        I dont remember the name of the episode, but Bashir took a leave of absence and hung out on this planet for, I’d guess, a year to work on a cure. He didn’t find a cure but managed (by accident) to make a vaccine that saved new-borns from getting infected.