• PugJesus
    11 months ago

    You know, the same way Obama made Obama care happen.

    … Obama made Obamacare happen based on an overwhelming election victory leading to a (tenuous and temporary) 60-vote majority which allowed him, over the course of months of negotiation to deliver an extremely watered down version of just his main campaign promise, the one, focused policy that he unambiguously emphasized more than any other policy.

    I don’t say this as condemnation of Obama. I say this as ‘what the fuck do you think Biden is working with in comparison’? What’s his one goal that he should be working towards? What’s his supermajority? What did his election victory look like? Approval numbers?

    • Melkath
      11 months ago


      So if Biden can’t do shit because of congress, why will Trump be able to do anything?

      We have troves of proof that Red congresspeople are only able to cannibalize themselves and smear shit on the walls of the Capitol.

      If a US president can’t achieve anything because of congressional incompetence, why is Trump even a threat?

      Jesus idjit. Use your brain for once in your life.