• @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    This is why I’m not all that concerned in the recent polls that Biden is losing support among Progressives, who tend to be sympathetic to the Palestinians. What are they going to do, vote for Trump and his friends, who are even worse? If Trump does win, do they really think they would be listened to?

    I doubt a single person in Florida who thinks that Biden and the party he leads is not taking their side on this issue would vote for this person instead.

    • Flying Squid
      3911 months ago

      What are they going to do, vote for Trump and his friends, who are even worse?

      What they might do is sit out the election or make a third party protest vote. I am no lover of Biden, but if he’s the only viable choice other than Trump, we need him in the office and I’m worried not enough people will realize that.

      • @[email protected]
        2711 months ago

        It’s the same issue Hillary had. Lots of liberals were so fucking tired of the system. They wanted something new. And Hillary was a direct personification of the system; A career politician who had paid her party dues for decades, and felt like the seat had been promised to her. There were a lot of liberals who casted protest votes.

        • @[email protected]
          811 months ago

          I’ll admit I did that. I voted for Bernie in the Primary and then didn’t vote in the General. Although I lived in Oklahoma where Trump beat Clinton by 529k votes and hasn’t been blue in the last 50 years…

          I’d like to think I would have voted for Clinton if my vote counted for anything. If we got rid of the electoral college then I feel like the voting percentage would go up across the country as Republicans in California and Democrats in Alabama would suddenly have a reason to actually vote. I live in Alabama now and it is a STUGGLE to get any of my friends to take the time to go vote.

        • JJROKCZ
          611 months ago

          Yea I’m sorry I was one of them and therefore helped trump get in. I wanted Bernie, still want Bernie, voted Bernie in protest in ‘16 but did my part voting Biden in ‘20. But until trump is dead and republicans are unable to field someone as rallying to their base, I’m forced to vote democrat to prevent fascism overtaking my nation.

        • Flying Squid
          611 months ago

          I hope the ones who did have learned their lesson. When the greater of two evils gets in power, greater evil is done.

      • DarkGamer
        1011 months ago

        What they might do is sit out the election or make a third party protest vote.

        Which, in our current system, also helps Republicans get elected.

        • @[email protected]
          -1811 months ago

          I honestly don’t care anymore, everything is already fucked. I might start voting the craziest right wingers going forward, bring on the collapse, the Democratic party is just a different sect of rich fucks that do not give one singular fuck about the people they supposedly represent. This whole place is rotten to it’s core.

          We have no culture beyond consumption and money

            • @[email protected]
              -1311 months ago

              I’m exhausted from caring and just seeing humanity continue to go downhill and backwards with no signs of slowing.

              who said I’m not a minority myself? :)

              • RedSeries
                1311 months ago

                Then don’t drag your cohort into hell because you’re being a little pissbaby. If you find it this hard to participate, then don’t. I encourage you and everyone like you to please vote and rebuke fascism, but turning around and burning it all to the ground just hurts people and fixes nothing.

          • JJROKCZ
            911 months ago

            Yea that will only cause the death of millions, great idea there mate

          • DarkGamer
            011 months ago

            What could go wrong with electing the people who want the opposite things you do?

            Electoral nihilism isn’t cool or edgy, it’s stupid. Things could always get worse, and definitely will if a collapse happens.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Their rhetoric is certainly more openly genocidal, but Biden has done little to nothing to stop this either. He seems to fully support funding genocide.

      He uses language that is better, but his actions show no restraint in helping Israel 100%.

      In a rare Oval Office speech, the president said, “We reject all forms of hate,” against Muslims, Jews and everyone, as he set the stage for a planned request to Congress for $14 billion in emergency assistance for Israel

      And just 2 days ago:

      Q What are the chances of a Gaza ceasefire?

      THE PRESIDENT: None. No possibility.


      This is what leftists are talking about when we say they’re not that different. One party has better language sometimes but in reality little ever changes. Both ultimately serve the interests of the rich and the interests of the rich lie in imperialism and exploitation. The existence of Israel in that region benefits them.

      • @[email protected]
        -311 months ago

        But thats really the only line he could take. People talk about the benefits of incumbency when running for office, but incumbency also has a drawback that you need to find solutions to problems, in real-time, with whatever situation is currently going on. His opponents have the luxury of not having to be the one to deal with this problem, right now.

        And the fact of the matter is, no matter how heavy handed Israel is being right now, Hamas is showing no signs of letting up. And, no matter what you think about Israel’s treatment of Gaza all this time, no one can make an argument that Hamas didn’t strike first in this most recent action. If Biden let up on Hamas the way his detractors want, all it does is embolden those who want to use violence to further their extreme politics. (Including the home-grown ones in the US).

        • @[email protected]
          611 months ago

          no matter what you think about Israel’s treatment of Gaza all this time, no one can make an argument that Hamas didn’t strike first in this most recent action.

          What a pointless, ahistorical line of thought.

          Yeah sure if you just ignore everything else and start from that day, they kind of look like the aggressor.

          But even then that’s not true. “Israel was just peacefully minding its own business, illegally occupying the land they stole when the people they stole it from attacked outta nowhere”. Occupation is aggression.

    • FaceDeer
      11 months ago

      They could choose not to vote at all, which is almost as bad. Or vote for a third party candidate, which is the same thing.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        Many people think they’re taking a moral stand by sitting out an election because they don’t like their party’s contender.

        Used to listen to a local conservative radio host. Great guy, wouldn’t let anyone talk shit if it wasn’t true, never pushed any hate, nothing like today’s breed.

        Lady calls in and says she’s refuses to vote McCain for whatever reason. OTOH, she disliked Obama even more. The host was gob smacked.

        “You do realize that not voting McCain is next door to voting Obama and you’re helping him win? Right? If you don’t like Obama, wouldn’t it be better to hold your nose and vote McCain?”

        “I still won’t do it. I have morals.”

        Supporting Israel in this holocaust is going to cost Biden votes.

        • @[email protected]
          311 months ago

          This “great guy” was encouraging people to vote for the Republican candidate after eight years of George W. Bush?

    • @[email protected]
      511 months ago

      Could just stay home. Maybe a bunch of us are tired of voting for people whose only qualifications is they aren’t the other person.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        But that’s entirely my point. These people who are complaining that Biden isn’t taking their side are at risk having an administration who considers them all to be terrorists to take over if they sit this one out. I suppose they can take solace in the fact that they stuck to their principles, even if the Trump Administration sends them all to re-education camps.

        Sometimes the perfect is the enemy of the good.

        • queermunist she/her
          11 months ago

          Sometimes the perfect is the enemy of the good.

          There aren’t good options. There’s genocide lite and genocide delux.

          I will not vote for genocide, and if you vote for genocide you are complicit.

            • queermunist she/her
              11 months ago

              It’s a choice to not vote for genocide. You can tell yourself pretty lies, but if you vote for Biden you are a genocide supporter.

              • @[email protected]
                511 months ago

                but if you vote for Biden you are a genocide supporter.

                Every time I hear this I have to do some math, play a word puzzle, or some other mental exercise to make sure I don’t catch The Stupid. If casting a vote for Biden equals support for genocide, then anything anyone in a civilized society does could be said to be the same. Vote for anyone? The joke’s on you, genocide supporter, you helped a different genocide supporter get elected. Do you go to work? You failed again; You’re making someone else money so they can vote for a genocide supporter. Do you pay Taxes, you genocide supporterfunder?

                Protest votes are for the primary; go ahead and vote for Gandhi McJesus then. The general is the team play. And if you don’t vote for the lesser of two evils you’re helping the larger evil get elected, you genocide supporter, it just lets you smugly deflect blame.

                • queermunist she/her
                  -1111 months ago

                  Vote for anyone? The joke’s on you, genocide supporter, you helped a different genocide supporter get elected

                  You can vote for people who don’t support genocide! They exist.

                  Do you go to work? You failed again; You’re making someone else money so they can vote for a genocide supporter. Do you pay Taxes, you genocide supporterfunder?

                  We are all complicit in our own ways and we have a moral duty to rebel against our genocidal government. Good job, you just made an argument for revolution lol

                  And if you don’t vote for the lesser of two evils you’re helping the larger evil get elected, you genocide supporter, it just lets you smugly deflect blame.

                  Democrats would oppose genocide if Trump was president, which actually results in harm reduction. How do you square that circle?

              • @[email protected]
                011 months ago

                Purposefully withholding your vote in the general election is a selfish/narcissistic act. No matter what wordplay you engage, not giving support to the lesser of two evils leads to better outcomes for the greater of them – and pain and suffering for the most vulnerable. But you get the comfort of hugging your pristine principles**

                **and La Revolución is NOT happening in time to help in any meaningful way before uncountable death and suffering – stop that BS and grow up

                • queermunist she/her
                  11 months ago

                  Voting for genocide makes you a genocide supporter. Deal with it.

                  No ceasefire, no votes.