• @[email protected]
    8411 months ago

    I mean the frustration is real, but the channels are what are accused of being engineered.

    The don’t vote and protest vote crowds are basically purpose built to make it as hard as possible for America to even slow itself down, let alone begin reversing course.

    “I have serious objections to the major legacies of discrimination and failures to address poverty in this country! Let’s take the exact actions that make it more likely for power to end up in the hands of the people who think the problem is we’re not doing enough of that!”

    That is the narrative people accuse Russia and China of spreading, and it’s hardly a coincidence that this crescendos in exactly two times, 1) just before an election, and 2) just after a major consequence comes down as a result of the election that was meddled with.

    • Meldroc
      4211 months ago

      I’m pretty sure that at least at the Old Place, despair-trolling is very much a thing,

      Right-wing boiler-room operations, Putin’s troll farms, and independent dick heads have lots of reasons to sow apathy and despair.

    • @[email protected]
      -1411 months ago

      The don’t vote and protest vote crowds are basically purpose built to make it as hard as possible for America to even slow itself down, let alone begin reversing course.

      im not voting for the red genociders or blue genociders, im not participating in your little clown show of a ‘democracy’ you got here in the USA

      • @[email protected]
        1111 months ago

        Are you discussing ways of fixing your political system in your third spaces? Are you organizing grassroots political movements that want to break the status quo and the class wars? Or are you just antagonizing everyone on the internet over a zero-sum choice you made up in your head? Or maybe you’re just agitating because you find it funny? Either way, you are not contributing positively to this issue, and your tribalism shows.

    • @[email protected]
      -2511 months ago

      Didn’t the “vote for Genocide Joe he’s the lesser of two evils” win last time? How’s that going for the votées?

        • @[email protected]
          -1611 months ago

          Marching slowly towards a cliff is no better than doing it quickly. Unless the course is changed the outcome will be the same.

          • @[email protected]
            1511 months ago

            That doesn’t mean it’s okay to sprint off the edge without a parachute. Of course we’re working to change course too. It’s not an overnight thing.

      • @[email protected]
        2011 months ago

        Well he’s one of the most productive presidents in modern history even in spite of the congressional odds stacked against him, so pretty well all things considered.

        How are all those judges that Trump got to appoint because of the pretentious assholes who insist on calling Biden “Genocide Joe” doing?

          • @[email protected]
            111 months ago

            You know you’re talking to a real leftist when they walk right up to the line of unironically quoting “orange man bad”

            That’s a line that a real leftist would totally be able to choke out before instinctively committing ritual suicide out of how idiotic it would be to say that.

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              I’m just simplifying your amazing arguments that are so morally void that the only reason you’re defending one party is that the other party is worse.

              I’m not stupid enough to vote for either of those parties.

      • @djsoren19
        2711 months ago

        The problem is that, as always, the sides aren’t the same. One side is ravenous to begin killing as many Palestinian children as possible, and the other is tepid and wants to make sure we’re still sending sufficient aid to our allies in Ukraine fighting against a war of extinction.

        Both sides want to aid in the death of Palestinian children, and for that both are reprehensible, but you can see that one is still preferable to the other. Voting for neither helps the worst side. I’m not going to pretend that it is easy to push past the Biden administrations crimes, but it will be harder to swallow a Ukrainian loss as a result of a Republican demagogue coming to power.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Tell me you’re a white straight dude without telling me you’re a white straight dude. That or that you get all your politics from them.

        Imagine having the privilege to only be under the corporate thumb in this country and then turn around and shit on everyone else in the position of wishing they only had that to worry about.

        Women lost the right to abortions because of people who voted like you. Bush happened because of people who voted like you. Shit, Bernie probably lost because of people who voted like you, because y’all can’t even be assed to turn out at the damned primaries.

        Nah man, fuck you.

        Edit: you know you’ve touched a nerve when the porcelain americans respond by attempting to spam your inbox over how you totally didn’t just touch that nerve XD

        • @[email protected]
          -111 months ago

          Remember when democrats had the ability to act on reproductive rights and then this was what democrats did when they had the power to do something about it?: https://www.reuters.com/article/obama-abortion/obama-says-abortion-rights-law-not-a-top-priority-idUKN2946642020090430

          That was after Obama said it was a top priority during his campaign. Democrats are incredibly skilled at claiming they care, not doing anything to actually back that up, and then when people don’t turn up to vote for their no-acting-asses, they wag their fingers and moralize from atop their high horses. Sure though, why don’t you lecture some homeless white man about how privileged he is, you fucking racist? I’m sure that’ll win you votes.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            Yeah how dare Obama use the miniscule window in which he had a hypothetically filibuster proof majority to do something as pointless as passing laws that stop the healthcare system from being exponentially worse than it currently is, which also required employers to provide reproductive care access before SCOTUS struck that down.

            Gotta love the porcelain americans trying to gaslight victims over how it’s actually your fault they don’t do the miniscule thing that could minimize how shit your life is for at least a little while, and that next time you should make sure they feel pandered to enough before you do something so entitled as asking them for a crumb of that solidarity they go on about when they’re lecturing you about whatever self righteous cause they’re on today.

            Allies like you are why CEOs can get away with disrupting union formation by recruiting more PoC and queer folks.

            Edit: Fragile white folks complaining that porcelain americans is racist because it makes fun of how fragile they are will never stop being funny. Keep on keepin’ on Mr. “I’m totally not Commie’s alt account.”

            • @[email protected]
              111 months ago

              Obama would’ve had a wider window if he actually delivered on his campaign promises, because then people would actually turn up to vote since they’d feel their vote actually mattered. No, instead he used that time to bail out the bankers who caused the global financial crisis. I have no idea what you’re blabbering about with pandering, since this is about reproductive rights, something you were shrieking about just a second ago, but now that I pointed out democrats could’ve done something about it, you say that other things are more important and that it’s somehow pandering. Also, what are you talking about “your fault”? I didn’t say it was your fault, I said it was the fault of the politicians holding the power. You know, because they hold the power.

              By the way, please stop using “porcelain americans” to refer to white people, it is racist. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, but you seem like a troll trying to get a rise out of people. You cannot seriously talk about divisiveness letting CEOs get away with things while you use such divisive language.

        • @[email protected]
          -1111 months ago

          suggesting your 4-paragraph screwed is legitimate discourse but my point-for point rebuttals are spam is lazy

        • @[email protected]
          -1311 months ago

          Imagine having the privilege to only be under the corporate thumb in this country and then turn around and shit on everyone else in the position of wishing they only had that to worry about.

          understanding the definition of fascism isn’t a privilege

        • @[email protected]
          -1411 months ago

          Bernie probably lost because of people who voted like you, because y’all can’t even be assed to turn out at the damned primaries.

          vote harder next time. you’ll get the government you deserve

        • @[email protected]
          -1611 months ago

          Bush happened because of people who voted like you.

          bush was coronated by his daddy’s friends

        • @[email protected]
          -1711 months ago

          Tell me you’re a white straight dude without telling me you’re a white straight dude. That or that you get all your politics from them.

          identity is irrelevant to truth. this is pure ad hominem

          • @[email protected]
            1211 months ago

            identity is irrelevant to truth. this is pure ad hominem

            Today I’ve read stupider things and more pretentious things, but I think this is the most of both at once I’ve seen in a while.

            What are you even trying to say? That the world through many institutions and norms doesn’t treat some classes of people differently?

            You didn’t even address the rest of the post you quoted from.

            • @[email protected]
              -1211 months ago

              What are you even trying to say?

              I’m saying that my claims are true or false regardless of who I am.

              • @[email protected]
                1211 months ago

                Could you learn to comment once, with your whole thought contained? Its really hard to take you seriously when you talk and text like my senile grandmother

                • @[email protected]
                  -911 months ago

                  comment once, with your whole thought contained

                  each comment does contain a whole thought.

                  • @[email protected]
                    911 months ago

                    If thats what you think my comment said, I think Id like your mothers contact info so we can discuss getting you an english tutor.

            • @[email protected]
              -1211 months ago

              You didn’t even address the rest of the post you quoted from.

              you don’t get to decide what I say, when, or to whom.

              • @[email protected]
                1211 months ago

                you don’t get to decide what I say, when, or to whom.

                This is also incredibly stupid and irrelevant. Are you okay? Are you just bad at communicating? It’s not about me deciding what you say or to who. I’m giving you shit because your post was nonsense and you didn’t make a coherent argument. What you said was a complete non sequitur.

                The argument the other person made was, essentially, arguments that “both sides are the same” are bullshit. One “side” does a lot more immediate harm, especially to women and minorities. Your identity is irrelevant to the truth of those harms, sure, but not irrelevant to the conjecture that you don’t care about these things because they don’t personally affect you.

                You didn’t address any of that. Maybe you’re too busy badly replying with poorly written but extremely pretentious leavings.

                • @[email protected]
                  -1511 months ago

                  Your identity is irrelevant to the truth of those harms, sure, but not irrelevant to the conjecture that you don’t care about these things because they don’t personally affect you.

                  and that claim is a red herring, irrelevant to whether what I said is true

                • @[email protected]
                  -1911 months ago

                  you’re too busy badly replying with poorly written but extremely pretentious leavings.

        • @[email protected]
          -2011 months ago

          Women lost the right to abortions because of people who voted like you.

          rights are a fiction and your politics get people killed

      • @[email protected]
        711 months ago

        Concern trolls are going to concern troll.

        I see this corporatists allegations, and raise the military industrial complex that Eisenhower famously warned of.

        The military industrial complex in America is a vast public jobs program.

        Parts for the F 35 fighter are made in every state: https://www.f35.com/f35/about/economic-impact.html

        Other countries have public healthcare with the government running hospitals.

        We instead use tax dollars to pay people in every state to make weapons.

        There’s also NASA and a fair amount of money for medical research and computers.

        But our country has been obsessed with over preparing for war since WWII.

        If that’s something you would like to see changed you should probably be vocal about the policies you would like to see implemented and examples of how well it’s beneficial in other countries.

        To simply say, the state is wrong about everything. Or all war is horrific and therefore everyone that worked in the largest jobs program in this country should pack it up and go home has zero chances of success.

        Politics are complicated without trying to resort to absolutes with no room for negotiation.