I have recently played 3 games that have forced a lengthy, unskippable tutorial section that runs for several hours of the game, just to unlock the most basic functions like buying the items, customizing features, multiplayer, and even 2-player split screen modes.

For 2 of these games (Armored Core 6 and Gran Turismo 7), the major draw for me was the MP and I haven’t even gotten to check out MP yet because it’s locked out until you get passed a certain point in the progression system. Fuckin’ why do any developers do this? I just wanted to play with my sister but we have to get through most of the fucking game before we are allowed to do the multiplayer modes. Such bullshit.

  • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️OP
    8 months ago

    The original Super Mario Brothers’ first level is the best tutorial ever made. It teaches you every function of the game right in that first level, without holding your hand or even telling you it’s a tutorial.

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      And Mario 64 was massively more complex, but still had a peaceful intro to fuck around in. There was nothing to unlock. You could dive and BLJ like a speedrunner from the get-go. Mario didn’t get better… you got better.