• @[email protected]
    358 months ago

    This subject keeps popping up, and I think the part that’s really upsetting me besides the whole “I bought this, Capcom, let me do with it what I want” is the idea that you can have a game where the solution to your problems is blowing someone’s head off with a shotgun, but god forbid Chun Li have exposed tits

    I’m not here saying that Capcom should just stop putting violence in its games, or that it should just sexualize all of its games. What I AM saying is that the idea that sexuality is inherently more offensive than killing is straight up backwards to me. It’s not even a capcom thing. That’s just most societies, but Capcom is hitting a nerve with this

    • Zion
      8 months ago

      What I AM saying is that the idea that sexuality is inherently more offensive than killing is straight up backwards to me. It’s not even a capcom thing. That’s just most societies, but Capcom is hitting a nerve with this

      Exactly, it’s ludicrous and always was. Especially in this day and age.

      • Mom/Dad: Billy what are you watching?
      • Billy: The Texas chainsaw massacre.
      • Mom/Dad: What happens in that?
      • Billy: People get hacked up with a chainsaw.
      • Mom/Dad: Oh, ok.

      Later that day:

      • Mom/Dad: Billy what are you doing?
      • Billy: I’m playing Street fighter.
      • Mom/Dad: What’s that?
      • Billy: It’s a one on one fighting game.
      • Mom/Dad: Oh, that’s nice… Wait a minute, IS THAT A PAIR OF BREASTS BILLY!!!
      • Billy: yeah, I installed this mod and…
      • Mom/Dad: THAT’S IT! (Proceeds to confiscate the console)

      As a parent myself, I understand not wanting to expose your kid to sexual content depending on their age, but in the context of sexual intercourse etc, not just a naked body.

      • Cybersteel
        -18 months ago

        I think the big difference is while violence is an expected part of life from wars and fights, sexual content is not.

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          sexual content

          not an expected part of life

          say that again, but very slowly…

          alternatively I’d be thrilled to hear all about these alternative ways to have kids that you apparently think are out there…and then I’d like it explained to me how exactly that’s not an “expected part of life”??

    • @[email protected]
      88 months ago

      I remember hitting a point when I realized how insane it is the most media will solve all problems with guns. Like it makes more sense why the culture cherishes guns after becoming aware how weird it is.