Source: https://t.me/pravdaGerashchenko_en/28697
In Russian Belgorod, a woman reported a blue blanket on a yellow balcony to the local security department. She wrote that “measures need to be taken”.
Shortly after, she received thanks for her vigilance and a report that the blanket was taken down, accompanied by a photo.
Russian paranoia is blooming.
Hi Officer, I was watching cartoon and there’s those blue hairs on that yellow skin.
Homer: Marge! Marge! They’re calling you a war crime on the TV again.
Marge: Oh Geez. If people would just talk over their differences, they’d find they have a lot of other things to hate each other for.
Lisa: But Moooooommmmm, Russia is the aggressor in this state, and Ukraine has the right to defend itself!
Bart: Aggressive like my farts. And more deadly then Russian bombs.
Lisa: Moooom. Bart is becoming a mouth piece of the Russian state again!
Homer: Enough you two, I told you not to argue geo-politics, when I am not sober. And not during football season.
Bart: But you’re never sober…
Homer: Exactly. new beer can opens
Do you write for the Simpsons? Because that was terrible
Word on the street is that the Simpsons is good again, actually.
Dear bedrooms, thank you for your vigilance. The cartoons have been taken down.