In all seriousness, can we stop using [email protected]?

edit: One helpful comment has informed me that I’ve been temp banned, not shadow banned. Don’t know why I could still see the post, but I guess the mystery is solved. Personally, I’m not going to use their meme instance any longer even when this ban is up.

  • balderdashOP
    88 months ago

    Yeah, I would understand if it got downvoted, but literally zero votes on a meme is suspicious

      • balderdashOP
        68 months ago

        Huh, this is news to me. Well, I guess the only mystery is how it let me post if I was banned

      • balderdashOP
        58 months ago

        It’s hard for me to know what you’re seeing because I’m suspicious that people can’t see the meme in question. But I was referring to the meme titled “Chronic traumatic encephalopathy”. If anyone takes a screenshot of that meme with votes then I will admit I’m wrong and delete this post. (Can’t be just 1-2 votes though because you could do that before the screenshot)