Homicides went up in 2020 and 2021 and are now rapidly coming back down. Violent crime nationwide hasn’t increased. But the perception of a crime wave still colors U.S. politics.

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    I’d guess CA for strictest, for sure the most useless. “You can’t have a grip on your rifle. It must have a ludicrous ‘fin’. It’s safer.”

    Washington: “You can’t have ‘high capacity’ magazines you killers!”

    Yeah, but you’re banning standard mags, what the gun was engineered to use. And swapping one is a 2-4 second chore, trivial. Only idiots buy high-capacity mags because they jam nonstop. (Which put a HUGE dent in the Aurora shooter’s evening.) I’m all in on letting morons have jammy magazines.

    “Weapons of WAR!”

    So how come the military doesn’t use high-capacity mags?

    “Shut up shut up shut up! You just want more dead children!”

    I’m just sayin’, you’re burning political capital on a non-issue. How about we fight for something like safe storage and the like? Or maybe teach children gun safety so they recognize they’re not toys and, at worst, are able to identify when someone’s being an idiot?

    “NOOO! Prohibition works!”

    Like with alcohol, abortion and drugs?


    Anyhow, that’s how most of the conversation go amongst my liberal brethren. (The last part is where the inform me that I’m not really a liberal. I’ll let someone else fill that bit in.)

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      Holy shit. You and I must be living the same life because it has literally been the same experience.

      Its exhausting to a point.

      • Dark Arc
        18 months ago

        There are plenty of liberals that aren’t sold on the gun control strategy. I’ll join the party here.