Follow Bill and Ted’s Law: Be excellent to each other.

And keep it in good humor.

  • @[email protected]
    159 months ago

    Toss up between EMH and T’Ana, really, but I’d say T’Ana has more lovable burnout energy that the crew vibe with, where the EMH is just kind of a dick. I love him, he’s one of my favorite characters in all of Trek, but his bedside manner makes him a huge pain in the ass for anyone normal to work with. The people who got along best with him are Seven, who basically had high-functioning autism implants from the Borg, and Kes, who was, by and large, incapable of being mad. Janeway dealt with him fine because she just never took any shit from him as a matter of policy, and the only other person he vibed hard with was a fucking serial killer. Tom Paris, who stands out for being by far the biggest normie on Voyager, couldn’t stand the EMH (though he also hated sick bay).

    So, gotta go with EMH having the worst bedside manner.

    • @[email protected]
      119 months ago

      Going to have to agree. He was never intended to need a good bedside manner because he was never supposed to be doing long term patient care. So they never bothered to program it.

      He was designed for emergencies: “Do this. Do it now. Moving on.”

      • Prophet Zarquon
        29 months ago

        Huh… I just assumed the Andy Dick hologram was so much more pushy that it got the other one deprecated out of pettiness.