• @[email protected]
      -309 months ago

      You can disagree with my opinion and not be a complete dick. Lotta people here forgot that a disagreement on something that barely matters does not make us arch enemies

        • @[email protected]
          -119 months ago

          A raging asshole wants to just vibe instead of getting bombarded with politics? What even happened to make you like this? I don’t hate lgbt, I just don’t feel like hearing about it all day, it gets old.

        • @[email protected]
          -209 months ago

          The fucking enemy lol. I’m not supporting anyone, I just don’t feel like having all the bullshit mixed in with literally everything. Not everything is so black and white, you weirdo

          • @[email protected]
            79 months ago

            And some things are black and white. If you think banning expression to acknowledge that entire population of people exists is a good thing, you’re a homophobe. Quit being a triggered snowflake. We get it, you’re uncomfortable with gay people. Stfu and move along.

            • @[email protected]
              -39 months ago

              I mean, if anyone seems triggered it might be you. I don’t agree with this guy but I’m also bored with politics saturating every aspect of life. I don’t think anyone should be prevented from expressing themselves, but I also like the game for the game. Wait let me guess, I now also hate gay people, right?

              • @[email protected]
                09 months ago

                Lol okay. I don’t think I called him triggered bc I don’t know what state he’s in typing away, but if I did, my bad. So, do you think expressing support for LGBT people to have the same human rights, is political?

            • @[email protected]
              -49 months ago

              Who said anything about banning? I sure as hell didn’t. I just said it’d be great if athletes could just play the game instead of trying to be politicians. I am a homophobe because of that? You’re sick man…

              • @[email protected]
                9 months ago

                I’m sick? Stop the victimhood gaslighting bullshit you overdramatic bitch. You made a comment supporting the ban. The article is about a ban. You said it. Wtf do you think the post is about?

                And fwiw supporting people’s right to walk down the street without getting murdered isn’t political. Bet you think BLM is political. Snowflake ass bitch.

                • @[email protected]
                  -29 months ago

                  I didn’t support the ban, I said just fuck off. You call me overdramatic but look at yourself weirdo. It’s funny that you’re melting down but calling me a snowflake.

                  • @[email protected]
                    09 months ago

                    Being a dick and using aggressive words, doesn’t mean someone is melting down. I honestly just think you’re dumb and I play with my phone when I’m shitting, so here you are, and I respond… but okay, picture some dude freaking out if it helps.

                    You don’t support the ban. So you support the players wearing rainbows for LGBT people?