Right now, I’m playing the early access version of Baldurs Gate 3. I’m getting ready to put it down (frustrated: BG3 has the potential to be good, but without controller support, I’m getting really frustrated with the UI. ) and switch to Yakuza Like a Dragon.

What are you playing now and what are you looking forward to playing next?

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    Is gyro aiming feasible on deck? I wanted to try out horizon but it’s clunky on a k+m and aiming on a controller is hard for me.

    • Leon
      31 year ago

      HZD is the only game I’ve played on deck so far where the gyro aiming works as joystick. I was completely blown away, I’ve never been able to use gyro as anything but as mouse before, and I’ve been doing gyro aiming on steam controller for years.