I didn’t used to understand foreign involvement in wars, like the whole America-Vietnam shenanigans. But I can see why after watching this Israeli Palestine Conflict since birth.

But now it’s like watching two children fighting over who’s sandcastles can be built in the sandbox. And what do we do if children can’t learn to share? You take away everything and no one is happy.

So is that what this is going to come to? Do adults need to intervene to quell the infants?

  • Devi
    339 months ago

    Not what I said in the slightest. Current residents were and still are being displaced.

    Take my own house as an example, who lived here originally? Probably some celts. Who lived here before me? Fuck knows, but they left and it tranferred to me.

    If someone decided to donate my house to someone else would I be mad? Fuck yes.

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      So Hamas is killing Israelis who live there right now and trying to steal their houses. They should be mad as fuck and retaliate. No?

      Or are you suggesting they have not lived there long enough?

      • Devi
        09 months ago

        You seem confused. No Israeli houses are being stolen. Hamas or representatives of them killed around 200 people at a recent event. In the same period Israel has killed 500 people, including nearly 100 children.

        There is a war occurring, and people will be involved in the fighting. However this is an America funded army with bombs and planes against a few groups that are mostly using rocks.

        This is a breakdown of the resources available - https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/this-is-the-imbalance-of-power-between-israel-and-palestine-in-real-terms-46651

        Israel have decided that they want the gaza strip, and are blanket bombing with the explicit goal of eliminating the population there. It’s brutal.

        • @[email protected]
          59 months ago

          Civilians will get killed when you use them as shields. And please don’t try and tell me Hamas is not using them as shields.

          Also don’t try and tell me Hamas is not indiscriminately sending rockets into Israel. I feel bad for the 50 percent of Palestinians who do not support Hamas but I don’t feel as bad for those that do.

          • Devi
            -19 months ago

            Oh you’re deep into Israeli propaganda. Israel bomb schools and refugee centres and defend themselves by claiming that Hamas were there and ‘using the children as human shields’. The funny thing is, when they go through the dead, they never find these Hamas fighters. It’s almost as if they’re murdering children just to punish Palestinians.

            Read the article. Hamas have very few rockets, dozens maybe, and even those have short ranges. Bombing Israeli settlements is rare.

    • @[email protected]
      -19 months ago

      The celts were actually just so good at genocide that they fully displaced the people before them in most places they live now…

      Trying to find the “original owners” of anything is stupid as history doesn’t go back that far, so as you say we just need to look at current residents

      Issue is, currently Jews are being displaced from their homes to Israel and Palestinians are being displaced by them, so there’s underlying issues that need to be solved first

      • Devi
        79 months ago

        Nobody is trying to find the ‘original owners’, it’s not relevant at all.

        Jews are not being displaced from their homes. People currently moving to Israel are moving by choice, and kicking families out of their homes to do so.