• Ataraxia
    -19 months ago

    If we can’t keep them without killing each other then we are just repeating a cycle. But freedom of choice is more important than forcing politics and beliefs on people just so they cooperate. Me nor anyone I know is going to engage in murder just to get my way. I did my part, I have no kids to perpetuate the cycle. Stop providing the machine with fodder and the issue solves itself.

    • @[email protected]
      49 months ago

      My guy, who do you think shot first?

      I’m sorry but if you’re saying when people trying unionize or collectively bargain for better conditions start getting shot at they should just give up or lay down and take it you’re a fool.

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      There’s no cycle. That’s the whole problem. They made money the most important thing, required for life, then took all the money and sat on it. There’s no cycle. Yesterday they had the money. Today they have the money. Tomorrow they will still have the money unless the people of this world do something about it.