Capcom president Harushiro Tsujimoto claims that the prices of video games need to increase to meet ballooning development costs.

  • 𝓢𝓮𝓮𝓙𝓪𝔂𝓔𝓶𝓶
    49 months ago

    You’re comparing this guys runaway success with a company with several development teams, office spaces, marketing teams, accountants, probably janitors, security, etc, etc.

    That’s sorta the point tho, isn’t it. Not saying Capcom should be one guy in a bedroom, but maybe there’s alot of bloat not related to actual game development that could be streamlined/cut. Esp. When it comes to executives.

    • @closetfurry
      39 months ago

      I agree with this. I find myself regularly missing the middle of the road games with lower development costs because those are the games that often dares to try new things.

      Last one I remember like that was Ubisoft’s “Grow Home” which was utterly charming and had me hooked from beginning to end. Didn’t need to be big. Didn’t need amazing graphics. Just needed a little idea that (pardon the pun) grew to become a really engaging game.

      More games like that please! Maybe the development costs didn’t have to balloon that much.