• @[email protected]
    189 months ago

    Just a reminder, if your waitstaff were amazing and gave great service it is not against the law to tip in Australia. They may pool tips, they may get to keep them, they may have a business policy on not accepting them. But if you do offer and they accept, the management still dont get to take it, thats still against the law.

    • @[email protected]
      99 months ago

      Just a reminder, if your waitstaff…

      OH. That kind of server.

      My dumb ass is like “what does it mean to tip a computer server? Is that some weird gen z IT slang I’ve somehow missed that means overloading it somehow and if so why not just call it DOSing like the rest of us?”

      I’m such a dope sometimes.

      • Overzeetop
        89 months ago

        HEy - we’re goin’ server tippin’ tonight. When the sysadmin is asleep we sneak into the server room. Then you just set your shoulder about halfway up the rack, brace your boots on the access floor and push as hard as you can. It’s so fucking funny when they crash, but you gotta be ready to run 'cause if the sysadmin wakes up he’s gonna be steaming mad. LOLOLOL

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        What you didn’t hear about the universal patch that increases server performance by 420% if you tilt them exactly 69 degrees?

    • @[email protected]
      29 months ago

      Oh it’s actually against the law for management to steal the tips in Australia? How civilized!