Things have gotten better and progress has been made from times past, it just seems worse now because we have more access to information. We’ve come far, and have further to go!

  • Nobsi
    -21 year ago

    Yes. No other country had hundreds of millions of people in extreme poverty.

    • Guildo
      01 year ago

      So you’re saying other states have it easier to solve their own problems? Thx.

      • Nobsi
        -31 year ago

        😂 Is it states or countries now? Yes. Other countries have not caused hundreds of millions of people to be in extreme poverty.
        Other countries also do not have:
        动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle.
        大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward
        文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
        新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

        • Guildo
          31 year ago

          Oh, so you’re saying Great Britain did nothing during colonization? Come on, this is ridiculous, now.

          You forgot the “Beep Boop Boop”, if you wanna spam Bot-things. It makes it easier to understand for me.

          • Nobsi
            -11 year ago

            Is Great Britian boasting about how many people they “lifted out of poverty”? Did Great Britian have millions of people in extreme poverty in 2019? No. No they don’t and didn’t.

            • Guildo
              1 year ago

              Oh, if it’s like this, everything is ok. Hail the King.

              • Nobsi
                -11 year ago

                You cannot seriously try to ask whataboutisms and then be a crybaby when the answer contradicts your argument.
                How are you this knowledgable about chinese happenings but at the same time such a CCP shill?
                Who taught you all you know?
                xinhua? Globaltimes china?

                • Guildo
                  01 year ago

                  Beep Boop Boop Xi Winnie Pooh Beep Boop Boop Bootlicker

                  I don’t know - how do I know? I’ve read a lot of books. It’s that easy. And if you wanna complain that I am chinese - in fact I am not. I am not a native english speaker, you’re right. Die Lösung des Rätsels ist einfacher, als man annehmen mag.

                  Come on dude, get a global view. It’s terrible how narrow your sight is.

                  • Nobsi
                    -11 year ago

                    Ironic coming from the guy that says the exact same things the CCP churns out and uses the same excuses and whataboutisms to deflect from real arguments against chinese claims that sinos do.
                    Every argument i brought against your claims was met by mocking. Ironically when i tell you that your data is on another widely different topic and i show you data from the same source that shows that china is doing horrible in that regard all you can andwer with is temper tantrums.

                    How is anyone supposed to take you serious when you throw a tantrum everytime someone proves that your claims are less favorable than you portray them as and in other cases just repeat obvious state propaganda.

                    Please give me some book recommendations because as i see it China is a totalitarian hellhole.
                    Feel free to give me sources that prove that it isn’t.