• DaBabyAteMaDingo
    -2710 months ago

    That’s because it’s true lol

    What countries are/ or were successful under communism? I don’t understand the logic behind especially when under communist rule, people were secretly killed or made to disappear to silence their political ideologies.

    • @[email protected]
      2210 months ago

      Cuba has been extremely successful despite the US fucking them over for 60 years. They’ve sent doctors across the world and even offered to help the US after hurricanes. They also sent anti-imperialist soldiers to African nations to fight for liberation on another continent. Nelson Mandela once famously openly praised Castro and his government for always being there for black South Africans in their struggle to end apartheid. He did so in response to some ignorant dumbass asking why he liked Castro or something like that.

      The USSR and China were/are extremely successful. USSR was undermined at every turn by the US and generally western capital, plus some collaboration internally to make very bad economic decisions (moving towards private markets). China… well, look at them. Results speak for themselves.

      The DPRK was very successful even post that whole US genociding them ordeal. Under Kim Il-Sung through the 50s until the 90s and post-USSR collapse (a major trading partner) they outpaced the US-propped South Korean state in basically everything. All of this after the US had leveled, effectively, the entire country and placed genocidal sanctions on them. For simply wanting to be a true democracy, btw. There was never any “actual” justification for war in Korea. Well, there was certainly justification for a war to remove the southern puppet(s) but not the war hero Kim who was and is beloved by his people, Chinese people respect him for his personal efforts to help liberate them from Imperial Japanese rule, and he’s still seen as a revolutionary hero today to people paying attention.

      And killing or “disappearing” reactionaries is overstated by… reactionaries. But, for any amount that does happen, it’s generally justified because you can’t have an insurgent group of reactionaries, always foreign funded (by the US CIA…), actively undermining you. No government on earth can tolerate such shit. Go start a group with funding from China (good luck with this part) with the explicit goal of destroying whatever western hellscape you inhabit and see how long the government allows you to continue.

    • Black AOC
      10 months ago

      No country has achieved full, what the layman would term communism; mostly because Amerika keeps interceding and fucking over millions of people at a time every time someone they were exploiting tries to take the first step of socialism, you absolute rifle. And real talk, how do you suggest dealing with potential reactionaries trying to tear your government down? 'Cause uh, I think if you intend for a hard-leftist political mission to go forward, you’re gonna need to remove some fuckin reactionaries. Or do you traffic in morally-pure, bloodless coups? Your forebears didn’t.

      • Bury The Right
        10 months ago

        Yes, and let’s not pretend that western governments have never killed/silenced people for political reasons either. My grandmother could testify that there was a lot of sussy stuff was happening in US under the cover of WW2 and she personally knew people that were being underhandedly executed for spy accusations and whatnot.

        • Black AOC
          10 months ago

          The entirety of the Civil Rights Movement was is* the Amerikan government silencing subjects-of-empire petitioning for liberation, too

          • DaBabyAteMaDingo
            -710 months ago

            Still haven’t heard of any successful communist governments ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            Unless you count China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela as successful.

            Want a list of all the governments that failed under communism? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

            • @[email protected]M
              310 months ago

              Want a list of all the governments that failed under capitalism? Prepare your fucking notebook.

        • Black AOC
          610 months ago

          Tell me you failed your Logic 101 without telling me smfh peddle your tripe to someone else settler

          • DaBabyAteMaDingo
            -810 months ago

            Name a country better than the USA lol

            Capitalism is flawed but even at its worst it’s better than communism at its best. Prove me wrong 😂

            • @[email protected]
              10 months ago

              USSR: focus on education, free healthcare, went from feudal shithole to a world power that fed it’s people, a lot of social spending, workers councils had a say in the economy, defeated Nazis

              USA: millions of homeless people, horrible drug problem, college debt, most wealth stolen from other nations through imperialism, ruled by fascist sympathizers and corporations, landleeches everywhere sucking life and noney of workers

              Name a country better than the USA Lol

              Thanks, US would be on the bottom of my list of good countries. It’s good if you want to be a rich leech, it sucks for an average Joe.

              • DaBabyAteMaDingo
                -510 months ago

                Yeah but where’s the USSR now?.. 😂

                What the heck? The USA has all those problems, sure but it’s way better than all 3rd world countries, top three in 1st world countries AND it’s the strongest nation in; military, average living standards, education, medicine, jobs, etc.

                I think someone lied to you about capitalism considering it’s the reason why our country is so great. But let me put it the best way I know how: at its worse, no one died of starvation under capitalism - even during the greatest recessions. At its best, a shit ton of people starved to death in the cold under communism.

                Is capitalism perfect? Far from it. But it works. And God bless America 🇺🇲🫡

    • KiG V2
      1110 months ago

      Every country that goes Marxist Leninist radically improves their living standards, wages, democracy, technological development, ability to defend themselves from imperialism…what countries WEREN’T successful under communism?

      The only reason you think otherwise is because you have bought into a narrative fed to you by the communists greatest enemy, the capitalists and fascists.

      For starters, political repression is highly overstated by the capitalists and fascists. Why? Well, because those that endure political repression in communist countries are…capitalists and fascists.