I’m aware of the cantina bars on Disney properties like Oga’s Cantina, but are there any unofficial Star Wars themed bars anywhere in the world?

It’s been a beloved universe for so long, you’d think that somewhere in the world, someone would have dedicated a bar to SW. Especially during the pre-Disney years when it wasn’t so litigious.

Anyone know of a SW bar somewhere?

  • IDK if it’s still there since this was years ago before Disney even owned the IP, but there was a Star Wars Cantina in Disney World when I was there at like 17. Didn’t get to go in the bar tho, since I was 17.

    • @[email protected]OP
      19 months ago

      Disney had a cantina before they bought Star Wars? That seems odd. What year was that?

      • @[email protected]
        59 months ago

        They had Star Wars rides before they bought Lucasfilm.

        The company was highly collaborative with Disney. Captain EO. Star tours. Star Wars seasons at Hollywood studios in the late 90s. Indiana jones stunt show. Etc

      • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
        9 months ago

        2001; I only even remember because it was only a month or two later that 9/11 happened.

        But they’ve also had the Indiana Jones ride and Star Tours in Disneyland since I was real little and my family went every year.