• @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      I didn’t say people wouldn’t be able to buy any games. Please don’t strawman.

      What I said was that plenty of people won’t own games (due to gamepass being sold cheaply initially), then when MS massively jacks up prices, people will have to choose between swallowing that and buying all their games again at whatever the retail price happens to be.

      It’s a trap designed to extort people in the long run.

      The other thing I said was that some games will be exclusive.

      Please address things that I’ve actually said, not things that you’ve imagined I’ve said.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        I didn’t imagine you saying anything. I didn’t address anything you said because I didn’t reply to you. I just wanted OP to expand on what he meant by “not being able to own games”