I just can’t, and sadly it’s worst in Linux community. Like dude’s face hair makes him look 45, but no, he does a desktop with a cringy looking 15 old anime girl. (That, on top of hiz annoyingly high pitched voice but whatever) I just stop watching the video on the spot, it’s beyond dumb.

The stupid NSFW tag on Lemmy? I turned it ON to occasionally see boobs, not some drawn pictures of underage kiddo, this pisses me off so much, JUST FCKING STAHP with this shit.

I have an impression suddenly, in a span of 2 years everyone started to jerk off on that bullshit and are proud to show it

  • @Jimbo
    1 year ago

    Opinion: That you get so mad about this is cringe af. I don’t like seeing anime boobs and stuff on my nsfw lemmy browsing either. You know what I do? Block the community and move on.

      • @Fal
        -181 year ago

        Won’t somebody think of all the suffering these animated characters go through?

          • @[email protected]
            -41 year ago

            Ok who gives a fuck though

            They’re jacking off to drawings, no harm done, none of my business.

          • @Fal
            -111 year ago

            Responded to this copy/paste elsewhere, but

            sexual acts involving a child

            Which child is involved here?

              • @Fal
                -81 year ago

                fantasies or sexual acts involving a child

                Still applies. What child is involved? Is furry art bestiality to you? Does fantasizing about being raped make you a rapist?

                  • @Fal
                    -21 year ago

                    the characters who look like children?

                    I think you just have a problem differentiating real and fake. Anime characters bare no more than a passing resemblance to humans in most cases.

                    First, there is an overlap between furry porn fans and bestiality,

                    Lol ok then so you should just start with this so everyone knows you have visual problems or problems differentiating real and fake.

                    And you should stop arguing, because it’s hard not to look like a pedophile trying to justify pedophilia like you’re doing.

                    People like you are going to call everyone pedophiles no matter what, so I don’t care what you think. I just can’t stand the pearl clutching and puritanical policing of thoughts when it comes to drawings that hurt literally no one. It’s pretty pathetic.

                    it would be a consensual act between two adults

                    Rape is consensual? You’ve really lost the plot.

                    that children can’t consent, not legally and much less psychologically and that’s why this argument of yours is invalid.

                    No shit. Which is why sexual activity with children is abhorrent. Tell me what’s wrong with constricting a fantasy world where the entities in it can consent to matter their age or looks? How is that different from a fantasy world where animals can fall and give consent? Or a fantasy world where assassinating people is acceptable? Or literally any other thoughts that have no effect on anyone else except you people who want to cry “won’t somebody think of the children”.