I just can’t, and sadly it’s worst in Linux community. Like dude’s face hair makes him look 45, but no, he does a desktop with a cringy looking 15 old anime girl. (That, on top of hiz annoyingly high pitched voice but whatever) I just stop watching the video on the spot, it’s beyond dumb.

The stupid NSFW tag on Lemmy? I turned it ON to occasionally see boobs, not some drawn pictures of underage kiddo, this pisses me off so much, JUST FCKING STAHP with this shit.

I have an impression suddenly, in a span of 2 years everyone started to jerk off on that bullshit and are proud to show it

    • @[email protected]
      1910 months ago

      I don’t like murder and I don’t like soup. Somewhere between murder and soup is a line where it’s ok to judge the person doing it.

      So is drawn young porn more like murder or more like soup?

      • @[email protected]
        -610 months ago

        Depends on where you put “watching murder in movies” on that scale, since both are fiction.

        • @[email protected]
          910 months ago

          TBH, I also find it creepy if people enjoy watching murder to fantasize about it… big red flag on those guys as well.

          • @[email protected]
            610 months ago

            I can’t believe I have to use a twitter quote here, but here we go.

            “people on this app will treat fictional characters as if they were real people and then talk about real people as if they were fictional and then get mad at you for knowing the difference”

          • @[email protected]
            10 months ago

            I’m absolutely, 100%, postively not on-side with paedophiles. But …

            In drawn porn … who are the victims precisely? I mean that’s the question:

            So is drawn young porn more like murder or more like soup?

            (Emphasis mine.)

            I’m tempted to turn the fantasy Internet point counters back on just to watch people who aren’t capable of reading comprehension hit the downvote button so hard it crashes the servers (all of them) … but nah, fuck that shit.

            • @[email protected]
              1010 months ago

              The reason it’s problematic is that they indulge their attraction to kids.

              Not sure how many go from drawn CP to actual CSAM (I know, potential slippery slope fallacy), but they should be seeking professional help to deal with these urges.

              • @[email protected]
                10 months ago

                I didn’t say it wasn’t problematic.

                I asked where the victims are in, specifically, drawn porn, given that the person I was responding to so histrionically said, and I quote:

                Except, you know… The victims

                What the fuck is wrong with you

                I fully agree that finding drawn paedophilia attractive is symptomatic of a huge problem. As I said in my opening sentence:

                I’m absolutely, 100%, postively not on-side with paedophiles.

                But to claim there’s victims in drawn pornography indicates either a serious deficiency in vocabulary or a serious deficiency in the capacity for thought in general.

              • @[email protected]
                110 months ago

                There IS no professional help, first of all. We’ve driven all the pedos underground.

                Secondly, this is just reefer madness all over again. “Gateway drug” bullshit.

              • @[email protected]
                10 months ago

                The answer is none, and studies say the opposite happens.

                Your argument is about as valid as “violent video games cause violent behavior”

                Why should they seek help for something that doesn’t bother them? If you are bothered so much by it, you’re the one with mental health issues.

                • @[email protected]
                  210 months ago

                  Maybe it has the opposite effect, I’m not an expert at all.

                  If I had the urge to watch porn with drawn or AI generated kids, I would be worried about that though. If someone watches that without contemplating why, that’s problematic. If they do it as a coping mechanism, good for them, I guess.

                  I won’t shame anyone for their urges, how wrong they might be. You can’t decide what you want.

                  • @[email protected]
                    110 months ago

                    If they do it as a coping mechanism, good for them, I guess.

                    I won’t shame anyone for their urges, how wrong they might be. You can’t decide what you want.

                    That’s the opposite of your previous comments. Be cool if you could amend them to include this.

      • @Fal
        -610 months ago

        The list of what exactly? Is it the same list of people who watch fictional representations of murder ( ie movies)?

        • @[email protected]
          610 months ago

          I know you think that it sounds intelligent, but it’s not. People don’t watch movies to fulfill their desire to cause harm or violence. Murder porn is an actual thing and is also incredibly abhorrent to the same point. Pedo porn is specifically feeding a desire that should be helped or completely removed from society. It’s giving someone a dopamine hit for an effectively bad habit that over time can create a link that feels like either it doesn’t hurt anyone and moves to something more, or feeds a desire to do something in real life about it.

          Seek help, otherwise I hope you don’t get a chance to act on any urges.

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            Pedo porn is specifically feeding a desire

            We’re not talking about pedo porn though. Any more than we’re talking about murder porn.

            Also, you “seek therapy” guys consistently fail to acknowledge that there is no therapy out there for pedophiles. We’ve driven them all into hiding.

          • @Fal
            -410 months ago

            feeding a desire that should be helped or completely removed from society

            Just tell me you don’t know what you’re talking about. Being able to fulfill your desire without hurting anyone is the help. How can you not see that.

            It’s giving someone a dopamine hit for an effectively bad habit that over time can create a link that feels like either it doesn’t hurt anyone and moves to something more

            Gateway drug argument huh? How many times does this have to be disproved for you people to stop using it?

          • @[email protected]
            -510 months ago

            Your same argument was used to force gay people into conversion therapy.

            For something to be classified as a mental disorder, it has to cause mental or physical harm to either yourself or your victim. If you molest a child, you have a mental disorder. If you are into child porn, you have a mental disorder. If you are into loli (or just any anime as OP seems to imply is the same) you only have a mental disorder if it is causing yourself mental anguish. In any other case, you are a healthy individual with a victimless fetish that intolerant or misinformed people want to force you to stop with.

            Also, you seem to think people who are into petite body types in anime or even just childish characters also are attracted to real children, but that is far from the truth, and any claims that loli causes pedophilia lacks scientific proof.

            If you are so bothered by people enjoying their victimless fetishes, then you’re the one with mental issues.

    • @[email protected]
      410 months ago

      I mean that’s completely fair given the subject.

      Hope you enjoy being in a watch list, by the way.