Controversial AI art piece from 2022 lacks human authorship required for registration.

  • @[email protected]
    181 year ago

    There is a very real chance they spent more time on this piece than other artists they were up against spent on theirs. I generate thousands of images a month

    … you’ve never actually made art, have you? The sort of stuff that you enter into contests takes months to make, from the actual painting to rough sketches to reference gathering, and that’s just the basics

    Clicking a button a thousand times isn’t really comparable

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      I’m not at all disagreeing with the overall sentiment here, but having given it a go, I will say AI image generation is a very tedious endeavor many times.

      It’s not just clicking a button. It’s closer to trying to Google some very specific, but hard to find medical problem. You constantly tweak and retweak your search terms, both learning from what has been output so far and as you think of new ways to stop it from giving you crap you don’t want. And each time you hit search the process takes forever, anywhere from 5 minutes to 5 hours.

      I don’t really feel like this constitutes skill, but it does represent a certain amount of brute force stubbornness to try to get AI image generation to do what you want.

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        Ok using your Google analogy - there’s a reason why “librarian” is a job and “Googler” isn’t. One requires years of skill and practice to interpret a request and find the right information and do all sorts of things, and the other is someone kinda bashing keys to make Google give them what they want. You wouldn’t put them in remotely the same class

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      … you’ve never actually made art, have you?

      I drew a pony when I was 6? Does that count? Or does gatekeeping art go that far?