The thought came to mind after reading a recent post about Baldurs Gate 3 here but it reminded me of the Japense only PSX game Mizzurna Falls where if you don’t perform a certain action early in the game you are prevented from getting a true ending. While this might not be a traditional soft lock because you can still progress to a point it made me wonder none the less.

I understand BG3 might be a hard lock because the game abruptly comes to a close I am not going to get into the semantics. The only other soft locks I can think of are with Pokemon.

Shout out to the fan translation of Mizzurna Falls. An article on the website can be found here.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    I wish I disagreed with you, the only thing I can push back on is saying the open world is fake.

    It’s a damn shame, because far cry 5 has by far my favorite setting of the series. I’d love for someone to take a second stab of that kind of setting.

    • amio
      21 year ago

      The open world itself is not fake, but IMO the game is “No True Open World Game” as long as it keeps hijacking you all the time. The world itself is pretty deec. If you’re on PC you can try the Resistance mod, it lets you customize the game a lot including how intrusive the main quest is.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Duly noted, I’ll check that out the next time I get the itch to play. I disliked that about the game. It’s actually my main gripe. I didn’t like being careful of not blowing up too much stuff so that I didn’t hit the “main quest threshold” or whatever.

        I just want to enjoy the outdoors and kill peggies.

        Are there any weapon mods? I found the variety lacking, beyond the broken dlc guns.

        • amio
          21 year ago

          Tons. I think some are included in Resistance, or at least you can tweak certain things to be less airsoft-y. Haven’t played in a while. Nexus has a bunch of stuff anyway.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            I kinda liked the airsoft feel, though. Makes me feel like Rambo. I guess I know what I’m doing once I’m done with starfield.

            Assuming hades 2 doesn’t come out before then lol