In a conversation with Mike Solan, the head of the Seattle Police Officers’ Guild, Seattle Police Department officer and SPOG vice president Daniel Auderer minimized the killing of 23-year-old student Jaahnavi Kandula by police officer Kevin Dave and joked that she had “limited value” as a “regular person” who was only 26 years old.

In fact, as we reported exclusively, Dave was driving 74 miles an hour in a 25 mile per hour zone and struck Kandula while she was attempting to cross the street in a marked and well-lighted crosswalk.

    2 years ago

    Seattle PD is fucking garbage.

    • They threw a bitch fit when the citizens got pissed they were tear gassing random people (including children) who were walking on the sidewalk and had nothing to do with the George Floyd protests or CHOP.

    • They were under federal observation for over a decade because they were responsible for multiple questionable deaths.

    • A ton of the force quit because they didn’t want to get vaccinated during COVID.

    • Recently they had a Trump flag with a Nazi symbol on it in one of their breakrooms that nobody took down.

    The list goes on and on. They need to dissolve the police union in Seattle entirely, and set a precedent. I’m not anti-police, but I am over their whiney bullshit and completely unethical behavior. Seriously, fuck Seattle PD.

      792 years ago

      Seattle PD is and has always been terrible. For a city with as little violent crime as we are, you would think that we would have a semi-competant police force. We aren’t Baltimore or Chicago or Memphis. We don’t need a violent, antagonistic, adversarial police force. Yet decade after decade, Seattle PD shows themselves to be the worst of the worst of violent white nationalists.

      SPD’s training standards are embarrassingly low. SPD’s staffing numbers are embarrassing low. Rookie cops make over $100k and the right-wing pundits say it’s not enough, while first-year teachers make $55k and the right-wing pundits say it’s too much. They blame the BLM riots and say that the city betrayed them, but the average person here had absolutely zero faith in them well before the riots. Most SPD officers don’t actually live in Seattle.

      Sorry if the second paragraph got a bit into unhinged-rant territory, but shit like this is infuriating. SPD is so clearly shit and needs to be purged.

      • Drusas
        412 years ago

        It’s partly because of how they’re trained, Killology, and partly because these are people policing us from outside of Seattle.

        If you live in the Seattle area, you surely know that a lot of people who don’t live in the metro area really resent Seattlites. They’re not really clear about why. I guess for being progressive.

        Not much of the police force lives in the city proper. So we’re being policed by outsiders who dislike us to begin with.

        332 years ago

        State senators make $60k/yr.

        Over 50 SPD cops last year made over $250,000

        We aren’t getting what we’re paying for.

        Dissolve and restart the force using a different psych profile and ban the one currently used.

        2 years ago

        Something that will always be my first thoughts when I think of Seattle cops…

        Walking down 4th ave and a guy on the corner offers to sell me drugs (I got crack, coke, and smack?) I walked across the intersection and at the next block is a cop in a car waiting for the light to turn. I point at the dealer and tell the cop that guy just offered to sell me cocaine and heroin.

        His reply was that I should call 911


        Then another memory I have is walking near Pike Place and two beat cops are walking towards me. I say hell to them and they give me dirty looks. Don’t say anything to me and look me up and down and then move on.

        Like really? WTF

      • Orphie Baby
        2 years ago

        You keep saying SPD and I keep wondering how Space Patrol Delta sunk so low. It’s no wonder the top of the force turned evil and the B-team Power Rangers became the heroes we needed to stop them.

    • Drusas
      582 years ago

      You forgot about the part where they don’t respond to calls. Just a couple of days ago, a man was found dead at 10:00 a.m. The sound of shots fired had been reported at 3:00 a.m., but the police decided not to respond to that call.

        472 years ago

        A friend’s son was stabbed multiple times last year and they did nothing. He knew the guy’s name, or at least an alias, and had a picture because the guy had contacted him on social media to buy something, which is why they were meeting in the first place, and SPD was like, “wow that’s a bummer, I guess we could maybe arrest the guy if one of our officers happens to trip over him during their daily rounds of doing jack shit, but we’re not gonna actually look for him.” Apparently attempted murder with a side of robbery doesn’t warrant them removing their thumbs from their asses to do the bare minimum of investigation.

        • Drusas
          152 years ago

          Wow, that’s horrible. Not surprising here, but still horrible.

        22 years ago

        I work on Aurora and I’ve had the police literally tell me to stop complaining to them about the prostitutes and meth heads because they don’t care…

      • Noxy
        52 years ago

        Marty Crane was just as much a bastard as the rest though. Regularly acted like he was above the law. Also constantly verbally and emotionally abused his kids.