• schmorp
    010 months ago

    You still don’t get it. It’s not about experts in a scientific field. It’s about ‘experts’ who literally made up the entire field out of mostly nothing. Psychiatry is not a science.

    There’s more hard science in driving a locomotive than diagnosing a person with a made up mental condition.

    • @[email protected]
      310 months ago

      I mean, technically you’re correct. Psychiatry isn’t a science, because Psychiatrists are just Psychologists that can prescribe medicine.

      Psychology is a soft science, which means that yes it is constantly subject to change.

      That being said, if you think they’re made up conditions then why are you still adhering to their terminology? Or are you trying to say that psychiatrists will wrongfully diagnose someone for the sake of selling drugs? Because those two things are very different and you’ve done nothing to show that you’re aware.

      • schmorp
        310 months ago

        Made-up conditions or drug-selling motive? Why can’t it be both? If I described my inner experience in my own words you might not understand me. Read again: I don’t think autism is made up. I don’t think ADHD is made-up. But I don’t like the ‘disorder’ connotation of those terms. I’m not disordered, I function differently.

        I think a lot of other conditions are made up, or rather they are just descriptions of symptoms with the word ‘disorder’ attached to it. Recently the whole idea of the brain chemical imbalance as cause of depression has been questioned, but Psychiatrists keep medicating people all the same. Probably most don’t want to sell drugs, they just try to help people the best they know and both pharma and academia tell them that’s the way. But really, we have no idea what causes autism, or ADHD, or depression. The treatments offered are experimental at best and have often shown to be harmful in the long term. Between a stranger who doesn’t know me and doesn’t know very much, and myself who knows me and doesn’t know very much - who should I trust?

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago

          I have always said that seeing Psychiatrists is a mistake, and that if you want real help you should seek a psychologist first. However, like with cases of people who have bi-polar disorder, (which absolutely is real, you wouldn’t even think to claim otherwise if you’d experienced someone on a manic high) they need the drugs because otherwise they will destroy themselves.

          I gave up on trying to seek help from those types a long time ago, mainly because I decided that I couldn’t find answers from people who couldn’t even tell that I was lying.

          However I also stopped using their words on myself. If you conflate “self diagnosis” with “soul searching” then yes self diagnosis is ok.

          Not everyone does. Some people see it as an easy ticket to manipulate others. As far as who to trust is concerned, regarding doctors, the line for me has always been “do they try to get me to take drugs?”.

          If yes, fuck off, if no: I’ll probably find another reason to stop seeing them.

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      Okay well here’s where I have no idea what you are going on about then, if that’s how you see them then why did you go to them for mental health advice and why did you take medications they prescribed? Makes zero sense

      • schmorp
        110 months ago

        I see them like this after experiencing their service. Are you sealioning or was that a real question?

        • @[email protected]
          210 months ago

          I had to look up sealioning since I had no idea what it meant, no I’m not, and since you decided to frame your question that way maybe you just need a thicker skin, you engaged me in the convo, not everyone is going to automatically agree with you in life

          So you personally had a bad run in and you did believe in them but no longer do… okay I guess you are right then may as well invalidate the entire profession cuz schmorpel got bad service… that is some flat earth type reasoning