USD “per year” prices:
The Essential plan is increasing from $60 to $80.
Extra increasing from $100 to $135.
Premium increasing from $120 to $160.

  • Ganondorf
    10 months ago

    PC bros jerking off to 120 FPS, etc drive me nuts. If you play games just to compete over frames per second and not to enjoy games what are you doing? I’ve had multiple convos with PC nuts who said nothing about the game they were playing, just talked about how their rig was handling it.

    Dude/dudette, I’m playing on a Switch. I don’t care lol

    • discodoubloon
      110 months ago

      I don’t give a care about anything over 60 unless I’m playing competitive shooters and at that point my graphics are at a minimum. A 1070ti was killing it for me at 1440p 144hz in Apex and even Cyberpunk was running pretty clean.

      It’s a pure luxury to get anything over 60 in modern single player games. Tears of the Kingdom does have frame drops, but the gameplay is so good I don’t care.

      • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
        10 months ago

        I only don’t care about over 60 because my displays only go up to 60hz and I don’t really feel the need to drop money for a 144+ monitor until one of these things actually breaks. Though it does bum me out that my TV has that “simulated 120fps” shit that looks really good for watching shows, but doesn’t activate in a game. Though I have a feeling even if it did, it would introduce some kind of lag and feel weird.

        That said, my rig was specially for VR gaming, but it should be able to handle 1440P @ 144Hz while at ultra in a flat space game just fine.