I’m working on a campaign that has the player meet a creature pretending to be a sphynx and ask riddles of the players.

The trick is that that creature is both not that smart and thinks he’s very clever. They way past him is to praise him for being so smart that he agrees to let the adventurers go

What are some good ‘bad’ riddles to ask ?

  • Valinard
    101 year ago

    I did this last month with an idiot shiftless Hieracosphinx reluctantly guarding a treasure, and just had him ask the dumbest possible riddles in the most pompous and self-satisfied tone:

    “Why did the chicken cross the road?”
    To get to the other side.
    “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”
    The egg. But he will argue.
    “What is the difference between a duck?”
    One of its legs are both the same.
    “What’s got two wings and is going to eat you?”
    Point at the sky behind him and shout “That thing?!”