• Chozo
    610 months ago

    I think the title is a joke about how Bethesda games are notoriously always full of bugs. Like, to the point that it’s just expected for any new Bethesda game to be a bug-riddled mess at launch.

    Hell, there are still bugs in Skyrim that never got patched, even after they re-released it onto modern platforms. Not even obscure bugs, but things normal players will encounter in their playthroughs.

    • @[email protected]
      1310 months ago

      He’s saying the “Least buggiest” is not proper phrasing. It should be something along the lines of “the least buggy/bugged” and it’s a pretty bad title for someone claiming to be a “journalist”.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        It doesn’t have to be “proper” if it works as a joke. It implies that a Bethesda game can’t be merely “buggy,” it must be the “buggiest,” even if it’s (paradoxically) less buggy. So, “least buggiest.”

        • @[email protected]
          510 months ago

          Doesn’t matter what he claims, he just wrote an article for a publishing/news/media company. That’s called journalism, professional or not.

          jour·nal·ism /ˈjərnlˌizəm/ noun the activity or profession of writing for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or preparing news to be broadcast. “she had begun a career in journalism”

    • @[email protected]
      710 months ago

      It’s crazy that they haven’t used things like the unofficial patch to fix their own damn game. Like they could pretty much just copy paste that shit and be fine. But no. More than a decade later and that shit is still around and even propagated to things like FO4 and FO76.

      • conciselyverbose
        610 months ago

        Someone distributing it for free doesn’t mean they can legally just put it in their code and sell it.

        If it is licensed in a way they can use it, they’d still have to do a bunch of testing and validation to actually do it.

        • @[email protected]
          310 months ago

          That’s still orders of magnitude easier than figuring it out from first principles, and nowhere near arduous enough to excuse leaving the problems unaddressed.

          • conciselyverbose
            310 months ago

            It’s not that simple. Even using it as a base gets you into a legal gray area. Learning from a work and incorporating elements into your own work is legal, but copying someone else’s legwork like this is legally murky even if you don’t take the actual code.

            • @[email protected]
              210 months ago

              Yeah I’m sure Microsoft-owned Bethesda is shaking in their boots about learning from modifications to their own game. That’s gotta be everything stays buggy.

              • @[email protected]
                10 months ago

                If an employee writes code for a company, the employer* owns the copyright.

                If an individual writes code on their own time, they own the copyright.

                If someone publishes a free mod containing code, that mod could contain a combination of that person’s code, code from other contributors, and even other copyrighted code that none of them had the right to in the first place but it either hasn’t been noticed or isn’t being pursued because there’s not likely any money in it anyways.

                It’s that murky area that I’m guessing they’d want to avoid. They might be more likely to hire the modder to do that again from scratch for them than to use their work directly. Blizzard did that back in the day with two (that I know of) of the people writing modding tools for StarCraft. Their tools remained on the modding site and were never officially adopted by Blizzard but the authors worked on the WC3 map editor to add some of that functionality right into the official map editor that was going to be released with the game.

                Edit: corrected a mistake where I said the opposite of what I intended to (that the employee owned the copyright rather than the employer)

                • @[email protected]
                  110 months ago

                  Hiring the modder is not necessary, to look at a mod, go ‘oh that’s what we did wrong,’ and fix it. That’s not the ctrl+c/ctrl+v situation you seem to expect. And considering it’s their own game, and fixing bugs, the legal concerns are practically nonexistent.

                  If an employee writes code for a company, that employee owns the copyright.


                  • @[email protected]
                    110 months ago

                    Oops thanks for putting that out, corrected.

                    For the first point, it might be more of a patent thing than copyright, because you can patent improvements you come up with for someone else’s invention.

                    Though another angle might be that game studios want to avoid encouraging a freelance game improvement market where people look to financially gain from swooping in and making improvements to their games. It might result in improvements they already planned to make but hadn’t gotten to being blocked by patents and license demands. I don’t agree that this is something that should be avoided, though I don’t think current IP laws would make this a desirable system for anyone other than lawyers.

                    That’s not to say that it’s legally impossible to figure out how to navigate pulling in community changes to the main game, there’s just complications involved that so far Bethesda has preferred to avoid. They might even just want to avoid a case going to court to set some kind of precedent because it might involve paying royalties to modders. IMO they would deserve to be paid if their work gets pulled into the game directly or indirectly, and even just as modders adding value to the base game I think maybe they deserve some compensation for their efforts.