• @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    something Russia has been accused of doing in the Ukrainian war.

    not only them and in this particular war, they also accuse soviet union to human wave the nazis away, which is funny because for a long time the red army was undermanned and undergunned still put up a fight, and this kinda of shit has even been drilled on former soviet countries. also they say the same shit about china, that their only strategy in the war in korea was send waves of people. and the same things about the mongols, they refer as horde meaning the lack the white man intelligence to form complex command structures and just run over with a ton of people. the list goes on and on, and it is always east countries

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Yeah it’s orientalism, to give the impression that only the West knows precious value of a human life. Meanwhile the Asians are seen as just hordes of insects that can be obliterated by any means even nuclear. It’s no coincidence the western masses are so bloodthirsty.