• @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    May I recommend Tasks? Not only is it open source and doesn’t collect nearly as much information as TickTick apparently does (according to Play Market), but it’s packed full of features, and also interfaces with a bunch of other apps, like Google Calendar and Google Drive for backups.

    Edit: it also is still maintained and updated regularly

    • N-E-N
      511 months ago

      I will check it out but, unless I’m just missing it, it doesn’t seem to have an iOS/iPad app. That unfortunately might be enough to be a dealbreaker

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      I’ve tried to get into Tasks.org a few times, and I really like just about everything about it, but the deal breaker for me is that is seems like it doesn’t have any collaboration features - can anyone tell me otherwise?

      My partner and I have been making really good use of Todoist and its (admittedly limited) collaboration features - we have a ‘household’ project, and anything on that list is visible to both of us and can be assigned to a person.

      I’d really love to get on a proper FOSS solution, but so far many of them are missing collaboration. Vikunja is really cool and has collaboration, but doesn’t have any widgets atm (important for my scatter-brain). Still on the hunt!

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        Hmm, it says it can synchorize with your Google account - that’s Google Calendar I think, isn’t Google Calendar collaborative? Or if you’re degoogled - are any of the alternatives collaborative, like EteSync or CalDAV?

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          Yeah to some extent I suppose a calendar colab would get some of the way there, but I don’t think it gets as far as sharing to-do items between two different users. Maybe there’s a way to set it up to work that way, but I haven’t seen it yet. I’ll look into it!