• Neuromancer
    110 months ago

    That is how the real world works. I tell them what i want. They can either pay it or someone else will. I am good at what I do, and it’s known in the industry I am worth what I ask. I have never had anyone tell me no.

    • marx_mentat [he/him, comrade/them]
      910 months ago

      Sure, if that’s even true, then good for you.

      Again, you can believe whatever you want but that doesn’t change how the real world works outside your head.

      • Neuromancer
        010 months ago

        This is how the real world work. Only in communism do you have to take what’s offered. Here you can refuse and negotiate your own wage.

        You can’t refuse that because it’s the truth. If I want 150 an hour. I won’t take less than that. I don’t need their job. They need me. I don’t need them.

        • marx_mentat [he/him, comrade/them]
          10 months ago

          Cool good for you (if that’s even true)

          Anyway, in the very real world that we live in, unemployment is kept at certain levels so capitalists can dictate wages and responsibilities. It’s not a secret. Bourgeois media openly panics whenever unemployment levels get too low.

          • Neuromancer
            110 months ago

            People panic because it means we have a shortage of workers, which will cause inflation. We have had low unemployment for years and it’s why wages keep going up. Mcdonald’s pays 20 an hour down the street from me. While Oregon has a higher minimum wage, the economy is pushing wages even higher. Now on the low end they don’t have as much bargaining power but at the high end we have a lot of bargaining power. That is how the real world works. Make sure you have a skill someone wants to pay for

            • marx_mentat [he/him, comrade/them]
              910 months ago

              Yes, they are panicking because people have bargaining power to get higher wages. Are you still not connecting the dots there?

              I have a skill and I am not struggling like some of my other comrades are. That does not make me blind to the purpose of unemployment or to the fact that if everyone in the world had my skill set then that would mean there are a lot of important jobs that aren’t getting done, a fact that, curiously, has completely escaped you.

              • Neuromancer
                110 months ago

                No, they’re concerned over the rising inflation. Wages are one part of it but if everything else is going up quicker than your wages, then it doesn’t do you a lot of good to get raise.

                That is why the feds are working to increase interest rates to help lower the inflation.

                Nothing has escaped me. People negotiate the wages they want with the employer that matches those requirements. It’s always been that way.

                You seem to think I can’t demand the wage I want but that is how capitalism works.

                • marx_mentat [he/him, comrade/them]
                  810 months ago

                  No, they are concerned about having to pay people more, because that cuts directly into their own profits. They are not more concerned about inflation then they are about their own loss of profit from having to pay workers more, unless they require so few laborers to run their business that inflation does actually cut into their profits more.

                  Feds are increasing interest rates to increase unemployment. They directly stated that. You can Google it if you don’t believe me.

                  Quite a bit has escaped you and it is endlessly entertaining to me.

                  • Neuromancer
                    110 months ago

                    It doesn’t cut into profits. What do you think inflation is? It is the increase in the prices of things. Since everyone is doing it, prices have been sky rocketing and profits have been going up. That is what they are trying to stop is the rapid escalation of prices. Yes, some people will lose their jobs but with our unemployment rate, they won’t be out of work long and most likely making more money. It is cute you don’t get how this all works but that’s cool You have a good night.