• @[email protected]OP
      31 year ago

      I think he’s upset alt-right dipshits could potentially garner quarter from others because it shows that all political factions have a common belief, when the alt-right should be ostracized at all costs.

      They forgot about the fucking tankies in the upper left corner.

      Also it could just be an issue that upsets them emotionally. Just leave them alone and let them have a moment to breathe.

      Personally I am just glad it’s possible we all can still agree on something, but that’s missing the point of the meme. The point is that rape apologia is evil.

      • AngrilyEatingMuffins
        -51 year ago

        Pretends to be opposed to fascism but ends with a criticism of the left and an exhortation to find common ground with Nazis.

        This, this right here.

        • chaogomu
          81 year ago

          No man, authoritarians of every stripe are fucking evil.

          You cannot actually be a member of the left and be in favor of authoritarianism. It goes back to the very beginning of the terms left and right to describe political leanings. We can blame the French, but the term started with a vote, the question was “should the king have an absolute veto” Those who said yes sat on the right, those who said no on the left.

          In other words, the authoritarians sat on the right, the people who believed in the power of the people sat on the left.

          Tankies take the ideals of the left, and then subvert them in favor of authoritarianism. Orwell wrote about it in Animal Farm, the betrayal of the revolution by the Pigs, because while all animals are equal, some animals are more equal than others.

          Tankies are just another form of monarchist, pretending to be an ally of the left. I do lump them in with Nazis as being dangerous to my ideals of equality and freedom. After all, tankies are just as likely to kill actual communists, it’s how the name was coined.

          • Throwaway
            11 year ago

            Yes you can be a leftist and a tyrant. Its called communism.

            • chaogomu
              01 year ago

              Yes, the tyranny of workers owning the factories they labor in. Collectively owning the businesses they work for, everyone having an equal voice in government.

              And before you chime in with nonsense, Lenin and Mao both decided that some animals were more equal than other animals. They betrayed the ideal to hoard power to themselves, to make themselves the most equal of all, and their people suffered for it, because that’s what authoritarianism does. Stalin was worse in every way, taking the mask off fully.

              All three killed actual communists who wanted a free and open society, a democratic communism of the people, by the people, for the people. It’s where the term Tankie comes from. Stalin used tanks to put down the Hungarian revolution, see, Hungary wanted to be communist, they just didn’t want to be a soviet buffer state. They wanted their own government. So Stalin ordered the tanks in, and Tankies in western nations cheered.

              They cheered again at Tiananmen Square.

              Because actual communism is always a threat to authoritarians, be they mask off right wing, or the ones who pretend to be “lefties” while actually agreeing with every single thing western conservatives say, but with a different country worshiped.

              Speaking of, both China and Russia are fully capitalistic now, they went mask off a few decades back. Because capitalism is a great way to promote that inequality that authoritarianism demands.

          • Tb0n3
            01 year ago

            Imagine thinking people on the left can’t be authoritarian.

            • @[email protected]
              31 year ago

              The left tries to get rid of hierarchies, the right relies on them.

              You sort of need a hierarchy to have authoritarianism.

              • Tb0n3
                21 year ago

                Well they failed every chance they got. It literally turned into Leninist Communism where there’s a top down structure never has been a socialist paradise and never can be. Someone will quickly take the reigns if somebody gives up their own.

    • AngrilyEatingMuffins
      -71 year ago

      And another example of what the modern cryptofascist looks like. I’m sure surprised that a brigade is incoming.