
  • jimmydoreisalefty
    -2411 months ago

    You don’t get it, we don’t care for the crumbs.

    They don’t matter to us, only to you who still vote team blue no matter what.

    The real problems will only be addressed when we all band together against the wealthy class, so we need to stop playing their games.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Sure, while you’re building your revolution, don’t betray your country to the actual freakin’ fascists. The Republicans are not the party of big business anymore — that’s the Democrats, who have done great things for the capitalist economy. Today’s Republicans are the party of hate groups, Nazi street gangs, child abusers, rapists, thieves, and traitors.

      • jwiggler
        111 months ago

        I agree with you to an extent, but I also sympathize with the person above. I think it was Noam Chomsky who said this, but if each president after WW2 were brought before the Nuremberg Court, they’d be hanged for war crimes. I think when he said this he stopped at HW Bush, but Id be willing to bet it’s true up to now.

        This doesn’t mean all sides are the same. I’m still going to vote Democrat in a general election, for the most part. But at the end of the day, they still push a globalist free-market ideology, they still promote war, and they still condone the surveillance of the American people, the imprisonment of dissidents and political threats, and the destruction of the environment in the name of profit.

        Fascism is already here. It’s the corporations (the rich) who hold power, and both neoliberals and conservatives work to uphold that dynamic so they themselves can maintain power.

          • jwiggler
            311 months ago

            Why do you think that? I think really the only big hallmark that is missing is a single dictator/autocracy.

            Otherwise, you have a nationalist, privatized, militaristic country, in which national politicians and news organizations collect money from corporations and as such are so influenced, and a lack of political plurality where voters are consistently forced to choose between the lesser evil.

            Idk, I mean you’re right Im no political science grad. But sounds pretty fascist to me.

              • jwiggler
                311 months ago

                Yeah. I mean I guess if you want to get technical with it, I’m probably talking about something more akin to neo-fascisim. But I kinda think it’s splitting hairs at the end of the day.

      • jwiggler
        011 months ago

        I agree with you to an extent, but I also sympathize with the person above. I think it was Noam Chomsky who said this, but if each president after WW2 were brought before the Nuremberg Court, they’d be hanged for war crimes. I think when he said this he stopped at HW Bush, but Id be willing to bet it’s true up to now.

        This doesn’t mean all sides are the same. I’m still going to vote Democrat in a general election, for the most part. But at the end of the day, they still push a globalist free-market ideology, they still promote war, and they still condone the surveillance of the American people, the imprisonment of dissidents and political threats, and the destruction of the environment in the name of profit.

        Fascism is already here. It’s the corporations (the rich) who hold power, and both neoliberals and conservatives work to uphold that dynamic so they themselves can maintain power.

    • wrath-sedan
      1911 months ago

      People to the left of Biden sitting the election out/voting 3rd party will have one practical outcome: helping to elect Trump, who is about to go on trial for trying to overthrow the government.

      I would love to live in an America where Biden is the rightmost option instead of the leftmost. That’s not where we are, and if we want to get there we can’t let fascists near the levers of power.

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      You might not “care for the crumbs,” but with your attitude, that’s all you’re destined to get.

    • GodlessCommie
      -511 months ago

      They are happy with their chains, they gotten so used to them they take comfort in their presence.

      They settle for crumbs when they have the power to take the whole damn loaf