This was written by me.

Please help it get some traction.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I got you: (edited for formating)

    Hi mods

    Why did you reopen this sub? If you were intent on keeping this sub private you were essentially out of a job already. Why did the threat of losing a volunteer job push you into opening up again?

    This subreddit is about fighting for our rights, fighting against management and fighting for the idea of unemployment for all, not just the rich. You joined the fight about the api changes, took a strong stand and when management said that’s enough you had a choice. You decided to kiss their feet and say sorry sir.

    Of all the subreddits I expected to see bend at the knee, it wasn’t this one.

    Be ashamed with yourselves

    • Jojo-Mcfrost572
      11 year ago

      Thanking you. Mod drama am I right. This is fantastic to show how labour disputes evolve though. Can we get some union reps on to show how it should be managed ?