• @[email protected]
    4511 months ago

    I had a man in his 60s tell me “if you board a flight without noise canceling headphones in 2023, that’s on you.”

    We were flying to Italy (from US) with our 5 month old to visit my Aunt one last time before she passed away a few months later. Baby cried here and there for a total of maybe 1.5 out of the 9 hours. We felt so guilty but people were incredibly nice at the end when we apologized for disturbing their flight.

    She’s a pretty good flyer overall but will throw her occasional 5 minute fits. I think about that man’s joke after working our asses off to calm her down.

    • @[email protected]
      3211 months ago

      I don’t know what kind of noise-cancelling headphones he has but mine wouldn’t help against crying - they reduce the volume of buzzes, humms, and other background noises, but I can definitely still hear shrieks quite well.

      • @[email protected]
        011 months ago

        Interesting. Not saying you’re wrong because, sure, I can hear some crying with mine too but with music or a podcast playing its a distant background noise that my brain just kind of ignores, I guess. But I like to do work on planes so now I’m wondering if I just got used to tuning it out when I’m zoned in. I’m also one of those weirdos that can sleep on planes. So… I Might be in a small group of outliers on this one.

    • @[email protected]
      2911 months ago

      Being angry at babies is what pathetic people do.they cant do much about their situation.

      Its on their parents but… as you say… sometimes you just gotta fly. With the kid.

    • @[email protected]
      1211 months ago

      Yeah, noise cancelling headphones delete the mechanical noise and the standard level of chatter. Screaming is left in that void to come right on through and into your brain. They don’t block angry baby screams, they make them stand out.

    • @[email protected]
      -1111 months ago

      When you realize most of those judgemental passengers were those kids like 20 years ago (2003’sh). 😀

      As long as there is effort from the parent’s side to help the baby adjust, then people should be more human and acknowledge this is how humans grow up!

      • @[email protected]
        611 months ago

        No-one’s claiming that it’s unreasonable or unprecedented for kids to be noisy and disruptive due to (among other reasons) still-developing brains that can’t fully process social norms and responsibilities.

        We’re saying that, given that everyone knows that fact, the parents who choose to bring poorly-behaved kids onto planes are being selfish and irresponsible.

        The kids are mostly blameless in these situations - they’re still developing, they can’t (depending on age) be expected to be fully responsible. It’s the parents that are selfish shitbags.

    • @[email protected]
      -1511 months ago

      Anybody that complains about children and babies can go fuck themselves. You shouldn’t have to feel guilty for being a parent.

      • @[email protected]
        511 months ago

        Yes you should. That child is going to face pretty bad economic and climate times. The likelihood of them dying from climate change or starvation is going up. And because of covid damaging immune systems, dying of the increasing numbers of illnesses running around. Not to mention the return of once defeated diseases due to anti-vax movements.

        They chose to bring a kid into a world of misery because they were needy, or they thought it would be cute, or whatever. Selfish reasons. That’s who should go f themselves.

        • @[email protected]
          -311 months ago

          The likelihood of each of us dying goes up every day we wake up. So by your logic we might as well just all kill ourselves now and get it over with? As much as I agree with your list of real concerns, your suggesting we should put an end to human kind altogether because life is getting harder each generation?

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              Yes, I should hole myself in my house because I could potentially get hit by a car tomorrow. That’s what your reasoning sounds like.

              Look, yes, the world is grim and the climate is changing, but why shouldn’t I instill the harsh realities of this world in my children so that they can grow up and cope and deal with this stuff. This sort of stuff is part of upbringing that should be instilled in our children so that they don’t grow up and make those mistakes.

              Even more importantly, we should all lead by example and show them, by example, by being more active in the causes we care about enough to pursue so that life is more meaningful than mere existence.

              This is how I was raised, and that’s how I intend to raise my children instead of cowering away from it and choosing not to have children which seems like the easy way out and really, is pretty pathetic.

              So yes, people can go fuck themselves if they can’t deal with crying children. :-)

              • @[email protected]
                111 months ago

                Justify it however you want. You’re a terrible person who like hurting your child and annoying everyone. Got it.