Or at least less so than Reddit. It’s good, but, I can’t put my finger on it. Even when the content is good, the servers are up, and I’m getting notifications responding to comments, it’s never come to me doomscrolling for hours.

Edit: Guys, guys, I’m not trying to say Lemmy should be addictive or Reddit is better because it is. The opposite. I thought being addicted to something was always a bad thing? I was just curious as that I rarely ever see the content droughts people talk about, so I can scroll for as long as I want to with no interruptions, but unlike with Reddit, I don’t, and I would want to know a reason why. Is it psychological? Something behind the scenes? The type of people here?

  • Neuromancer
    1211 months ago

    Exactly. It shouldn’t be addictive. It should fill a purpose.

    Reddit did not fill a purpose. It was mainly skreee all day.

    While I’ve some Reddit behavior here for the most part it’s been discussions.

    I lean right. I’m not far right. I’m socially more left but fiscally I’m more right.

    Reddit was just skreee to me.

      • Neuromancer
        011 months ago

        Oh fuck that dude. I strongly dislike bezos. His whole business plan is abuse everyone. That’s not my style

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          I just don’t get this “fiscally conservative” bullshit. You want to cut taxes on the rich as infrastructure continues to crumble? You want to hide your money in offshore bank accounts? You want to implement legislation that funnels unregulated money into corporate bank accounts then forgive all the debt? You want to use campaign finance to accept bribes then have the courts make it legal?

          Edit: Maybe it’s you want to raise the national debt to record numbers then years later pretend all the sudden to be “worried about the deficit” and refuse to raise the debt ceiling and threaten to shut down the government.