And why? For me its definitely Warcraft 3 Reforged. They literally made a quick money grab AND you can’t even play online the old W3 without having to download 30gb of trash.
And why? For me its definitely Warcraft 3 Reforged. They literally made a quick money grab AND you can’t even play online the old W3 without having to download 30gb of trash.
Dark Souls 2: SotFS. I actually kinda like Dark Souls 2, but I think I’m upset the most at how it could’ve been potentially much better without making radical changes. When they announced the remaster (scholar of the first sin), I was excited that they’d go back and fix it. Hot take? They just made it worse.
They made enemy placements a lot worse and more spammy than ever. They hid the DLC keys in annoying areas. They changed a lot of item placements for no reason other than make the game feel fresh, and some of the new placements made little sense. They also didn’t remove adaptability or go for any low-hanging fruit fixes.
It was just a bummer. DS2 could’ve been a lot better.
Don’t necessarily agree that SotFS made it worse, but I agree that DS2 is my least favourite of the series. Which makes it one of my favourite games of all time.
Couldn’t have said it myself. I like to diss on DS2 a lot, but that’s only because I love dark souls so much.
Man so true, as decent of a game as it is, it hurts playing DS2 because of the untapped potential. It says something about the “bones” of the game that even with all of its issues it is still a memorable experience.
There is supposed to be some modder developing a total conversion that tries to deliver on that potential but as with any total conversion mod you never know whether it will release or not. But I hope it does so that the potential can finally be done justice.
Agreed, The enemy placements in SotFS were deranged at times. The changes to Heide Knights were a mistake, changing them from cool wandering enemies like the Black Knights to being rarely encountered outside of Heide. Iron Keep got absolutely swamped with Alonne Knights in the upgrade making it a nightmare. Idk how anyone was meant to find the DLC keys without looking at a guide. Why exactly you find the key to the Brume DLC in that random pit with the Flame Lizards in the Forest of the Fallen Giants and not from the Old Iron King befuddles me.
Haha yeah the Iron Keep turning into a conga line of knights running after you was a popular meme at the time. Glad I’m not the only one who remembers in this thread!
I also miss old faith builds when DS2 first released. At the time you’d get 11 lightning spears for 1 spell slot, and in one of the updates they reduced it to 3 and nerfed its damage. I had to do a triple take on the patch notes because that was my current build. Still hurts.
I’d agree with this.
I feel like overall DS2 just has so many areas that while it has some amazing things (Fume knight one of the best bosses in any souls game IMO) it just has so much forgettable stuff too.
That and the fact that so many areas (and even bosses) are only made hard because they throw multiples at you, it makes it worse than the others in the series.
However…. I probably played more multiplayer in ds2 than in all others combined. Don’t know if it was due to balance, the overall slower mechanics of combat or whatever, but I enjoyed it.