And why? For me its definitely Warcraft 3 Reforged. They literally made a quick money grab AND you can’t even play online the old W3 without having to download 30gb of trash.

  • ShaunaTheDead
    92 years ago

    This is going to be a very unpopular opinion, but Elder Scrolls peaked at Morrowind. Oblivion was a pretty big step down in quality, and Skyrim was a completely washed out shell of former Elder Scrolls games. I absolutely hated Skyrim and I don’t understand why it gets such universal praise from gamers.

    • some_guy
      22 years ago

      100% agree.

      Morrowind was the peak, oblivion burned me so bad I slept on fallout 3 until after new vegas came out.

      • ShaunaTheDead
        32 years ago

        Both. It held the players hand way too much, literally quest markers leading you straight where you needed to go which I know is a modern gaming thing but I actually loved that in the older games the quest giver just kind of hinted at where you might find the quest resolution and you had to use your knowledge of the game to piece it together. The story and side-stories of Skyrim were subpar, Morrowind had a ton of side stories that were interesting. One that sticks out in my mind is that every once in awhile you’d see this Orc just racing around at super high speeds non-stop. If you managed to catch up to him, or kill him, you’d find that he has magical shoes on. If you put them on, you find out that they give you super speed, but they’re cursed so that you can never stop. Just great, interesting and/or funny stuff like that that rewards your curiosity was simply non-existent in Skyrim afaik.

        • TerabyteRex
          12 years ago

          for me, mods make it better. i do remove quest markers for that more morrowind feel. i play in VR now though and since i beat the game i mostly sit at inns, get a menu and order food. all because of mods

    • exohuman
      22 years ago

      I enjoyed all 3 even though they were all very different. I will say that I spent countless hours in Morrowind, many hours in Skyrim, and less in Oblivion (but I beat that one on purpose just not to feel addicted to it).

    • AlternativeEmphasis
      22 years ago

      I love Skyrim as a modding platform but I really feel you. So much has been lost on quest design from even Oblivion, much less Morrowind. I think Bethesda hedged their bets on exploration being the selling point way too much and it’s becoming more and more apparent this has resulted in their quest design and stories suffering. First it was Skyrim, then Fallout 4, and then 76. I am not looking forward to the writing of quests in Starfield.

      I am sure that it will do well, because most people love the sandbox exploration of it but imo an rpg lives or dies by its quest and story and I honestly feel as if Bethesda just doesn’t have that in them any more.