Mitch McConell says the quiet part out loud.

Exact full quote from CNN:

“People think, increasingly it appears, that we shouldn’t be doing this. Well, let me start by saying we haven’t lost a single American in this war,” McConnell said. “Most of the money that we spend related to Ukraine is actually spent in the US, replenishing weapons, more modern weapons. So it’s actually employing people here and improving our own military for what may lie ahead.”

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  • @[email protected]
    911 months ago

    The west forced Ukraine to defend itself?

    Were they supposed to welcome the Russians with open arms?

      • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
        1611 months ago

        Yeah exactly. What has Ukraine accomplished since the sabotaged peace talks by Boris Johnson? Is the territory gained vs Russia since then worth all the life lost, the economic cost, etc.

    • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
      2111 months ago

      They were supposed to not ethnically cleanse Russian speaking people in the eastern provences for 8 years, repeatedly breaking treaties and making threats about hosting nuclear weapons for NATO.

      And the US was supposed to not support a violent coup to overthrow the democratically elected government and replace it with a one aligned with the fascist militias they used in that coup.

      If this had happened to a weastern ally we would be at war to liberate the entire country let alone protect the regions facing immediate violence.