This video is not monetized. This video covers our serious concerns regarding the data accuracy of Linus Media Group, including Linus Tech Tips, ShortCircuit, and TechQuickie, particularly as it relates to rushing content out the door to favor – by staff’s own admission – quantity over quality. As the company continues to expand into its LTT Labs direction, the importance of accurate data increases; however, even as ‘only’ entertainment, there are still certain responsibilities to the consumer and the manufacturers to report fairly (and to have defined corrections processes in place). We tried to approach this as objectively as possible and hope that viewers are able to listen to the evidence we present, particularly as it relates to significant and frequent data errors that now present in nearly every technical review video.

  • Keegen
    142 years ago

    LTT has been an entertainment channel with a drop of info for a while now, their content is pretty much only suitable as background filler while eating food. Their thumbnails and titles are also unusable without extensions to decipher them (shoutout to DeArrow from Ajay Ramachandran). For the actual good tech info you to go Hardware Unboxed or the very creator of this video.

      62 years ago

      I’m pretty excited about LTT’s new power supply test lab. Not many content creators can afford such a setup

      • Keegen
        212 years ago

        Watch the video and then decide if you are still excited about it. The one video when they announced the power supply test lab is one of the many ones called out for misinformation in this very video. With their standard of information being what is it, no data they provide should be used for any serious purchase decisions.

        • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
          2 years ago

          Can I get a TL;DR so I don’t have to watch a video when explaining this type of thing in words is much more helpful IMHO.

          Edit - Also would help to have at least a mention of who created the video and their credentials to be the authority on what LTT is doing wrong. The current thumbnail reminds me of a tabloid and is a 0% click though chance.

          • Voyajer
            32 years ago

            It’s full of video quotes, you’re not actually allergic to him.

    • Onii-Chan
      32 years ago

      DeArrow has been a fucking godsend. What a top shelf extension.

    • BigVault
      32 years ago

      HWUB, GN, Level1Techs and KitGuru are my serious outlets of choice.

      If I want little more than entertainment, LTT, Dawid does Tech, Lowcastle Tech fill that gap.

      Also a shout out to Chris Barnett Explaining Computers as I love his content.

    • Valdair
      2 years ago

      I haven’t enjoyed their main channel content for ever. Every once in a while if I’m interested in a product and have exhausted all other decently sized tech channels, I may watch their coverage but I’ve likely already made my mind up on the thing. I don’t and wouldn’t trust them for GPU, CPU or case reviews. I do generally like listening to the WAN Show, but Linus is sticking his foot in his mouth an awful lot these days. I like his vision for the lab, and I like what he ultimately wants to build with it, but I really worry they’re going too fast and going to bake in a lot of problems that will haunt the platform for ever, assuming it even gets off the ground. I was already worried but this video made me even less optimistic. I only knew about some of these oversights, the extent is pretty startling.