It’s been one week since you looked at me Baldur’s Gate was released. How are you enjoying the game? What are your general thoughts, impressions, and complaints? Has the game lived up to the hype for you?

  • @[email protected]
    101 year ago

    Camera can be really dog shit at times outside of the tatical view in combat, thats my only major gripe with the game. Have had a few crashes here and there along side some minor bugs.

    Games great, its the closest to a ttrpg in crpg format that I’ve experienced regarding player choice and the resulting out comes. Makes me excited for future playthroughs to see the different choices and their proceeding outcomes.

    Combat is standard turn based cRPG and i enjoy it. Ledges during combat can be a bit of a buggy mess at points however. Charcater level impact feels great.

    Im 58 hours in on my solo playthrough and 12hours in on a friend group playthrough. They need to flush out the coop a bit. Not being able to release custom origin PCs from the party kinda sucks when everyones not around. Same with the save file being bound to the lobby host only.

    Id toss it in my top 5 games of all time list most likely. Well worth the price if you enjoy crpgs with turnbased mechanics.