The more annoying aspects of modern gaming are completely absent in Baldur’s Gate 3.

    • TelKaivokalma
      311 months ago

      I’m closing in on 80 hours, 2 hours in EA, 77 hours since release.

      Send help, can’t stop.

    • @[email protected]
      111 months ago

      If you’re into RPGs, or DnD, or general fantasy stuff, I would highly recommend it. I haven’t finished it yet, but the first 20 or so hours have been incredibly fun. It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed a game this much, the reviews aren’t wrong with this one.

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        I’m not into DnD nor fantasy generally, but I am absolutely loving it. 40 hours in so far and I can’t get enough. I have the itch where I’m just thinking about spells all day when I’m not playing

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          If you feel this way, you should definitely look in to getting into D&D. This game is the closest you’re going to get to playing a D&D campaign in a video game as far as translation to the medium goes.

          If you like this game, you will absolutely love D&D.

          • @[email protected]
            111 months ago

            I will say it definitely has brought up my interest again. My ex used to play and I’ve watched some people play before, but I just feel like I’d have a hard time. I think it’s just my insecurity of needing to be good at things and I feel like I’d be bad at playing. Feels like the pressure would get to me to think of good ideas and such.

    • @[email protected]
      111 months ago

      I don’t exactly love these kinds of top down, turn based, save scum games, but the D&D 5e mechanics pulled me in. I will say the game is quite fun even as someone who gets burned out quickly on this style. I’ve played about 20 hours so far and there have been plenty of bugs and crashes, but I can definitely say I’m enjoying it

    • @[email protected]
      111 months ago

      Personally I really want to like it more, having just finished it at 80 hours. But from what I can tell, it just doesn’t have much that makes me want to replay it and endgame is very buggy. I have a whole host of issues but after starting very unsatisfying re-run through today (I played 125 with different people in early access a year or 2 ago) I looked up some stuff and realized how few of the choices felt like they actually mattered, or were straight up broken/cut content. Very disappointed. LOVED the first playthrough, though.

    • Cethin
      11 months ago

      If you want a good single player RPG with bullshit, collectables, or microtransactions that you can play offline if you want, it’s great. If you want a modern game with all that stuff, it would suck. I don’t know why you’d want that stuff, but some business people think we do.

    • @[email protected]
      011 months ago

      Haven’t finished Tears of the Kingdom and moving into a new house so I will get it during a sale.

      • BaroqueInMind
        -211 months ago

        Nice. Care to please share more intimate info about your personal life here since your comment is essentially off topic af