• Captain Beyond
    1501 year ago

    I say this as someone who is probably one of the biggest supporters of software-freedom around here, but bullying or shaming people for preferring non-free apps does nothing but incite resentment towards the movement. I value the four freedoms because I think I deserve control of my computing, not because I think it’s my place to dictate what others should value.

    • Square Singer
      531 year ago

      The community is one of the worst aspects when working with/on opensource software.

      There are so many people with Open Source rabies…

      Combine that with all those people who don’t understand the difference between software developed by people who donate their spare time to work on FOSS software and for-profit software developed by big corporations. As a FOSS dev you get so many entitled assholes who think downloading a free app gives them the right to threaten/abuse the devs.

      And then there are the fanboys who attack everyone who talks about downsides of their favourite product.

      All in all, the hostile community makes FOSS development very not fun.

      • @[email protected]
        121 year ago

        This is what gets me. I look into software for my company. Someone put up a open source alternative. I expressed my concerns with a small open source project and they acted like i murdered his first born. Well past the point of unprofessional and into the HR realm.

        I’m not against open source by any means but there is a place for everything. This just was not the place for this specific product with only a handful of devs and no support. If a system goes down we need to have someone we can call.

      • @[email protected]
        101 year ago

        In about 10 mins of pooping time i’ve seen so much fanboyism as you’ve described. More than ive ever seen prior.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        I just installed the new sync and I’m given the impression that everyone here is 5’7 and uses gentoo so they have to compensate

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I voiced my opinion on one of the sync announcement posts and it was received quite controversially.

      We all get stuck in our own camps and become quote tribal and I feel like all around it’s difficult to not take what is being said as some kind of attack.

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        Yeah. How about just everybody uses what they fucking want and leave each other alone? You know, like it should be in real life. That would be nice.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        I think that’s nuts. I use sync and I don’t care what you use. You can also dislike Sync all you want, I will never feel attacked by that.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      I don’t get why instead of making posts about “Don’t use Sync!” no one is saying “Feel free to use and pay for whatever you like! But as a friendly reminder please note that you should also consider helping your instance owners or the core Lemmy team as well.”

      There’s nothing wrong at all with paying for software, and even some will be fine with ads. It has literally nothing to do with anyone else but that person. Let them do them.

      Like I say though, I think the thing that should be being said is that the app is not self contained and that these people should seriously consider helping out the other aspects as well if they can. But hey, no, let’s just belittle them and push them away instead of welcoming them. I can almost guarantee that the availability of Sync will bring more users to Lemmy that never would have been here otherwise.